20 Little-Known Relationship Details About Dakota Johnson and Chris Martin

Dakota Johnson is known as one of the more private actresses in Hollywood and she’s not flashy about her relationships. She is actually better known as an actress because of her role in Fifty Shades of Gray. Now she’s in a relationship with Chris Martin and it seems like things are getting serious but we know almost nothing about their relationship. Neither Chris Martin nor Dakota Johnson have talked much about their relationship and we want to know what the big deal is. You’re on a date so give us a treat!

It’s been over a year since we’ve seen them out together so we have to assume things are getting serious between the two. At least, they determined that they weren’t sick when they looked at each other.

Martin’s most notable relationship was with actress Gwyneth Paltrow and they shared several children. We also don’t know much about Johnson’s previous relationships. These two clearly don’t want to share their love with the world. However, we have a few details that you might be interested in. Check out these 20 little-known relationship details about Dakota Johnson and Chris Martin.

So basically, she’s his private groupie and here’s a photo of her in his sound booth during a concert he had in Argentina. Fans spotted her and posted some pictures on social media. This photo was taken last November and we love the fact that she went with him to spend some time with him. Sometimes that’s the best way for stars to keep their relationships going. When an actress has to go to the movies or a singer has to go on tour, it is best if their partners can go with them.

This past summer, we saw the couple having a romantic getaway in Malibu and they looked very much in love. They kiss, spend time on the beach. Go shopping and have dinner at a restaurant. A source told US Weekly that the couple is definitely serious.,

They understood each other very well and were very comfortable with each other. Chris sends Dakota his music to get her opinion.

It is not merely a farce. They definitely look like they really like each other.

In September of this year, Dakota Johnson underwent an interview for her cover story in Tatler. She was apparently asked about her relationship and she admitted that she was happy although she didn’t give any details. “I won’t talk about it, but I’m very happy,” Johnson told Tatler, per E! News. It’s not much but we’ll take it. Her mother Melanie Griffith has no problem spilling the beans. “I like him!” Griffith said People. “But she’s very private about her life and I respect that.”

They were spotted at a Nick Cave concert in Israel in 2017 and they looked so cute snuggled together. We can see Johnson put his head on his shoulder and look at the crowd. They are adorable together. The two were not alone, however, Johnson had a bodyguard sitting right next to him. We wouldn’t think she’d be famous enough to have a bodyguard. No offense, Dakota! The two remained seated throughout the entire show probably because the bodyguards requested it.

Gwyneth Paltrow is still a part of Chris Martin’s life and even stated that if she asked him to take her to the ballet, that he would still do it. She proved he’s still a part of her life when she recently posted a Christmas photo of her stockings hanging over the fireplace. Chris Martin also has his own stocking on the mantelpiece. Johnson better get to know Martin as part of her festival. “Gwyneth and Chris have the modern family thing going and continue to vacation and spend family time together,” an insider told E! News.

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