“The Cosby Show,” which aired from 1984 to 1992, was a groundbreaking sitcom that not only entertained millions but also showcased a successful African American family in a positive light. The show’s young stars captured the hearts of viewers, but what happened to them after the show’s finale? In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the lives of the Cosby Show kids and see where they are today.
1. Keshia Knight Pulliam (Rudy Huxtable)
Keshia Knight Pulliam, who played the adorable Rudy Huxtable, was the youngest child of the Huxtable family. After “The Cosby Show,” Pulliam continued to act in various TV shows and movies. She has appeared in “Tyler Perry’s House of Payne” and “The Last Dragon.” Beyond acting, she’s an entrepreneur and philanthropist. Keshia Knight Pulliam also made headlines for her role in reality TV and her advocacy work.
2. Malcolm-Jamal Warner (Theo Huxtable)
Malcolm-Jamal Warner, who portrayed Theo Huxtable, has had a varied career in both acting and music. Post-“The Cosby Show,” he starred in the hit series “Malcolm & Eddie” and “Sons of Anarchy.” Warner is also a talented musician, having released several albums with his band. He continues to act and produce, maintaining a prominent presence in the entertainment industry.
3. Tempestt Bledsoe (Vanessa Huxtable)
Tempestt Bledsoe, known for her role as Vanessa Huxtable, transitioned smoothly from child actress to adult roles. After “The Cosby Show,” she appeared in TV series such as “The Parkers” and “Celebrity Fit Club.” Bledsoe has also been involved in various talk shows and is active in several charitable organizations.
4. Lisa Bonet (Denise Huxtable)
Lisa Bonet, who played the free-spirited Denise Huxtable, went on to have a successful career in both film and television. She starred in “A Different World,” a spin-off of “The Cosby Show,” and appeared in films such as “High Fidelity” and “Biker Boyz.” Bonet is also known for her high-profile marriage to musician Lenny Kravitz and her later marriage to actor Jason Momoa.
5. Sabrina Le Beauf (Sondra Huxtable)
Sabrina Le Beauf, who played the eldest Huxtable daughter Sondra, focused on both acting and education after the show. She appeared in various TV shows and theater productions. Le Beauf has also pursued a career in education and has been involved in several community service projects.
The child stars of “The Cosby Show” have gone on to lead diverse and successful lives, both in and out of the spotlight. From acting and music to philanthropy and education, they have each made their mark in their own unique ways. Their journeys remind us of the impact that “The Cosby Show” had not just on television, but on the lives of its talented cast.
Did you grow up watching “The Cosby Show”? Share your favorite memories of the Cosby kids in the comments below and stay tuned for more updates on your favorite TV stars!