WATCH: Jennifer Aniston and Courteney Cox are friendship goals as they enjoy a game of pool

WATCH: Jennifer Aniston and Courteney Cox are friendship goals as they enjoy a game of pool

If the video of Jennifer Aniston and Courteney Cox enjoying a friendly game of pool was an episode of their hit show, it would’ve been The One Where Monica Pools her Weight.

Or something.

The planned Friends reunion show has been shelved, for now, because of the Covid-19 pandemic, but Jen and Courteney were kind enough to treat fans to mini-reunion vid, which showed that Monica is a definitely a pool shark and Rachel is a, uh, pool guppie.

The video, shared on both stars’ Instagram pages, showed Jen losing miserably, until, after several frustrating attempts, she pockets a single ball and the room erupts into cheers.

“Friends shouldn’t let Friends play pool (especially when they suck),” she captioned the video.
Jen said the delay to the Friends reunion show was giving the cast “more time to make it even more exciting and more fun than it would have been. I choose to see it as the glass is half-full that it got postponed. Look, we’re not going anywhere. You’re never going to get rid of Friends, sorry. You’re stuck with us for life guys.”

While we’re waiting for the reunion, here’s a look at some of our favourite Jen and Courteney friendship moments:

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