Unforgivable mistakes in The Big Bang Theory that you may not have seen

Unforgivable mistakes in The Big Bang Theory that you may not have seen

Today we focus on the popular sitcom The Big Bang Theory to compile several big flaws that there were in its plot throughout its twelve seasons and that were overlooked. These are some unforgivable mistakes on The Big Bang Theory that you may not have seen.

Among the recent comedy series, without a doubt one of the most popular has been The Big Bang Theory, a series created by Chuck Lorre focused on a group of geek scientists whose life changes when Penny, an “ordinary” girl, moves into the apartment across the street. aspiring actress who will make them change (in part) their lifestyle and their way of socializing with others, especially Sheldon Cooper.

After twelve years on the air and with a multitude of episodes behind it, it is natural that sometimes certain mistakes and oversights are made with respect to details previously narrated. However, there are certain blunders that become quite big in their plot and that were overlooked.

Today, at Hobby Consolas, we review some unforgivable mistakes in The Big Bang Theory that you may not have seen.

What day is today?


That’s what we asked ourselves when watching episode 1×07 The Wan-Tug Paradox. At the beginning of the series, it was mentioned that the boys get together every Wednesday night to play Halo. During one of those games Penny participates in it because Howard is having fun at her apartment with a somewhat promiscuous friend of his, causing Penny to have to ask Leonard to spend the night on her couch.

However, the next day, when Sheldon gets up and prepares to sit in her place, he finds Penny asleep on the couch. This bothers him greatly because, as he says, she has interrupted his tradition of watching Doctor Who on Saturday mornings. Either Penny has slept through Saturday or there is a big mistake here…

Sheldon’s place

Among the many quirks that Sheldon has, one of the most popular has to do with his place on the apartment couch. For him it is of vital importance that no one sits on the far right (or left, depending on where you look) of the sofa in his apartment, as it is his favorite place. And he certainly lets his friends know when one of them sits in his place.

However, there are times when Sheldon has no problem with other characters like Raj or Howard taking their place in his presence. This could be because Sheldon becomes more permissive over time if it weren’t for the fact that episodes later he returns to his status quo, which implies that these details are rather script errors.

Sheldon and the cats

At the beginning of the series it is implied that Sheldon likes cats, but in a theoretical sense, since he is allergic to them. Several times, Sheldon insists that Penny sing her favorite childhood song to calm and relax him in times of physical or emotional duress, Sweet Kitty. On another occasion, Leonard considers compensating for his lack of romantic life with a cat, something that worries Sheldon because of his allergy.

But in episode 4×03 Zazzy’s Replacement, it is Sheldon who gets a cat to deal with the loneliness he is enduring after breaking up his relationship with Amy. Not content with that, so that the kitten doesn’t feel like he’s alone, he takes in four more cats. How is it that Sheldon is in contact with so many cats if he is allergic?

Howard couldn’t be an astronaut

In an arc spanning seasons 5 and 6 of The Big Bang Theory, Howard is selected to travel to the International Space Station. Although he has his ups and downs, it was a most rewarding experience for Howard. However, if we stop to think about it, a person like Howard Wolowitz could never be an astronaut in real life.
In a real-life space training program, he would have been eliminated and disqualified in various ways, such as when he has trouble navigating NASA’s flight preparation system. He wouldn’t pass the physical exam either, with his genetic predisposition to the heart problems and asthma he suffers from.

Howard’s mom isn’t as fat as she looks

Throughout much of the series the physical appearance of Howard’s mother is played with, implying that she is extremely fat, Howard giving the most exaggerated details about her and whom we barely see in the series, we only hear her grave voice.

But there are certain moments in the series where you can sneak a glimpse of Mrs. Wolowitz and she doesn’t give the impression that she is as fat as she says she is. At one point, she wraps her arms around Raj and the arms shown on camera are the limbs of a medium-sized woman. And in the overhead shot shown of Howard and Bernadette’s wedding, Mrs. Wolowitz doesn’t appear to be all that big.

Continuous roommate contract violations

Among the craziest clauses in Sheldon’s roommate contract on Big Bang Theory is Section 8, subsection C visitors, women, paragraph 4, intercourse. Under this section, partners must give each other 12 hours’ notice of impending intercourse. This can lead to other stricter rules if the escort becomes a formal girlfriend, since according to the roommate contract, any relevant woman who stays for 10 nights in a row, more than nine nights in total over three weeks, plus all weekends of a month, plus three working days, will be subject to the same clauses of the contract.
Although this section is mentioned regularly, Leonard violates the “girlfriend clause” regularly and there are little to no consequences for it. All of Leonard’s romantic partners often stay at the apartment with Sheldon barely doing anything, including Stephanie, Priya, and Penny.

Penny’s father

Throughout the entire series, Penny’s last name has never been revealed, which has given rise to some crazy theory to solve one of the great mysteries of The Big Bang Theory. However, a possible error by The Big Bang Theory could be the key to the answer to this question.

At one point in season 2, Leonard’s mother meets Penny and she tells stories about her father, whom she refers to by the name Bob. However, in season 4 Leonard meets Penny’s father and addresses him as Wyatt. It is possible that Leonard addressed his future father-in-law by his last name, so Penny’s father’s name would be Bob Wyatt (or Robert Wyatt, since Bob is short for him) and there would be no mistake. But that is something we will never know one hundred percent.
Here we finish our review of some unforgivable mistakes from The Big Bang Theory that you may not have seen. If you want to know more details about the popular sitcom, here we leave you some very crazy curiosities about Sheldon’s couch (and his place to sit) in Big Bang Theory.

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