The Thing That Made The Office Great Is the Same Thing That Killed It

The Thing That Made The Office Great Is the Same Thing That Killed It

The Thing That Made The Office Great Is the Same Thing That Killed It - The  Atlantic

Its TV-as-catharsis approach to the monotony of office work was groundbreaking, but the show’s premise wasn’t built to last more than a few seasons.

There isn’t a more quintessentially American form of relaxation than resting your feet on a coffee table after a long day at work and turning on the tube. After all, what better way to take your mind off of the job you left just a few hours earlier than by watching a TV show?

Why 'The Office' Wouldn't Work Today - Screen Test

Unless, of course, that TV show is The Office. NBC’s mockumentary sitcom, which concludes its ninth and final season on Thursday, flipped the TV-as-a-distraction-from-real-life paradigm by setting the action in precisely the type of workplace many people long to escape. The gambit worked brilliantly, and proved that a weekly television show could be the perfect medium to tell stories about contemporary work culture—for a while.

The Office Watch: Back (I Hope?) In Business |

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