The Myers-Briggs® Types Of Fuller House Characters

People often say that TV has gone pretty wild for reboots in the past few years, and that is definitely true. When it was announced that there would be a Netflix reboot of the popular sitcom Full House, ’90s kids were curious to see what it would be like.
While Fuller House is ending its run soon and the fifth season will be its last, there are plenty of cute (and, yes, cheesy at times) episodes to watch. The best part about Fuller House is that some of the old characters are back, along with some new faces. Let’s think about the Myers-Briggs® Personality Types of the gang.

Here are the MBTI of Fuller House characters.

Danny Tanner: ISTJ

Danny Tanner (Bob Saget) only appears in a few episodes of Fuller House but he’s a solid addition to the Netflix reboot. Fans remember him as the neat freak who looks after his daughters with so much love and compassion. It’s always good to see a familiar character on a reboot since it reminds viewers why they love the series so much.

Danny’s MBTI would be ISTJ or “Responsible Realist.” The official description says, “They typically enjoy working within clearly defined systems and processes in a traditional, task-oriented, decisive way.” That is exactly how Danny approaches cleaning. He’s also “thorough” and “practical.”

Matt Harmon: ISTP

Matt Harmon (John Brotherton) is one of DJ’s love interests, and fans who don’t want her to end up with her former boyfriend Steve definitely root for DJ and Matt. They work together and he’s very kind toward her.

Since Matt is a doctor, he’s an organized guy who seems like a good, loyal person. His MBTI is ISTP or “Logical Pragmatist.” He’s not one to freak out when something goes wrong, which is good since he’s a vet who works with animals and there are some mishaps that happen at the clinic. ISTPs are also “confident” which describes Matt, who knows that he loves DJ and even proposes to her.

Fernando: ENFJ

Kimmy Gibbler’s husband, Fernando (played by Juan Pablo Di Pace), is sweet and funny. The two make an awesome couple, and it’s refreshing to see a sitcom pair who have their ups and downs. They are both equally quirky but we can tell that they’re figuring out how to make their marriage work, which is fairly realistic.
Fernando is exactly who he is and not concerned about what others think of him. His MBTI would be ENFJ or “Compassionate Facilitator.” Fernando is a wonderful husband and really wants what is best for Kimmy and their daughter, Ramona. ENFJs “make decisions that respect and take into account the impact on others” which is exactly him. He composes a song “Kimberlina, Mi Amor” so he’s an artistic person as well.

Jackson Fuller: ESFJ

DJ’s son Jackson Fuller is a sweet kid who is fairly typical. He wants to go out with Lola, he wants to be popular, and he loves his family (even if they drive him nuts all the time… just like the good old days on Full House).

Jackson is an ESFJ or “Supportive Contributor.” He would do anything for the people that he loves, particularly Lola, and is the kind of person who would definitely change his looks or personality in order to be liked. Jackson is also much more vulnerable than he appears, and he sounds like an ESFJ in that aspect as well: this personality type doesn’t like having a “lack of emotional support.” He may try to look cool but he still needs his mom.

Max Fuller: ENTP

Elias Harger plays the adorable Max Fuller, DJ’s other son. Max is totally hilarious. He is especially confident and loves being around his family. He’s even got a crush on a girl named Rose (McKenna Grace).

Max is often dreaming up plans, which makes him an ENTP or “Enterprising Explorer.” He may be young but that won’t stop him. For instance, in the second season, he creates a farm in his backyard. ENTPs are “questioning” and they can find artistic and different ways to approach a situation, which is the way that Max operates for sure.

Ramona Gibbler: ISFP

Soni Bringas plays Kimmy’s daughter Ramona, who is a super talented dancer and performer. She has the quirks of her mom (watching the two of them break into a dance sequence is both cheesy and amazing) and she’s a good kid.Ramona is as sensitive as any young girl who is experiencing crushes and the weird stuff that happens in middle and high school, and she fluctuates between being self-assured and being insecure. Her MBTI would be ISFP or “Versatile Supporter.” These are people who assist other people without losing who they are. Ramona is always there for her mom and dad, but she’s her own girl, too.

Jimmy Gibbler: ENFP

Jimmy Gibbler is played by and his MBTI would be ENFP or “Imaginative Motivator.” The description of this type — “Their energy is stimulated by new people and experiences” — is exactly Jimmy. He’s fun, friendly, and he falls in love with Stephanie Tanner, which is sweet to watch.

Jimmy could be called “gregarious” which is one of the descriptors for this personality type. Jimmy also dislikes details and he has that in common with ENFPs. Like his sister Kimmy, Jimmy is a bit weird, but it works and he’s fully himself.

Stephanie Tanner: ENTJ

The girl who once said “How rude” (along with many other hilarious things) is now an adult who is still living in the Tanner house. These days, she dreams of becoming pregnant, is a DJ, and also writes songs.

Jodie Sweeten plays this character with a certain kind of ditzy charm. Stephanie would be an ENTJ or “Decisive Strategist.” While she often seems like she’s happy-go-lucky and would be fine with anything that happens, she actually sets goals for herself. She wants to start a family and find some success. ENTJs are “take charge” people who are “tough when necessary” and that’s totally Stephanie. She’s a sister that D.J. can count on and a good friend to Kimmy (and probably never imagined she would be Kimmy’s pal).

Kimmy Gibbler: ESTP

Kimmy Gibbler definitely has to be an ESTP or “Energetic Problem-Solver.” She’s larger than life, very artistic, and likes being with a large group of people. It makes sense, then, that she would become a party planner.
ESTPs aren’t ones for “isolation” and they are “fun-loving” and “versatile.” We all remember Kimmy as the next door neighbor who drives Stephanie and Michelle nuts (and, okay, the rest of the family, too). She’s best pals with D.J. so everyone is somewhat okay with her. Kimmy gets her due for sure in Fuller House and we get to watch her come into her own as a smart woman who may be quirky but that is her whole charm.

D.J. Tanner-Fuller: INFJ

INFJs or “Insightful Visionaries” are “quietly inspiring” which is definitely D.J. Tanner-Fuller. She’s smart (she runs her household perfectly and also her own vet clinic), she’s sweet (she’s impossible to dislike), and she even has two guys who want to marry her.

D.J. doesn’t like when things are messy (she got that trait from her dad) and she’s also someone who won’t rest until she makes something happen. It’s fun to watch D.J. as an adult running the Tanner house.

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