The best episodes of ‘The Office’

The best episodes of ‘The Office’

The Office is a classic American comedy series that spans 9 seasons, but which is the best episode of this sitcom?

Not all sitcoms are good and impressive. There are sitcoms that are great and become classics, and there are also sitcoms that are forgettable to the audience. The Office, even though it debuted 15 years ago, is still one of the greatest sitcoms and retains its appeal to audiences until now.

The Office has many great and memorable episodes like episodes about basketball games, weddings, mergers, and more.

But which is the best episode of this sitcom?

What makes this episode considered better than the rest?

The perfect episode of The Office

There’s been a heated debate raging over the perfect episode of The Office. Many people consider “Dinner Party” or “Fire Drill” to be the best episode. I personally choose “The Morran Christmas” episode, but are they perfect?

That’s where the argument begins.

After watching the video, I started to realize that the truly perfect episode of The Office is “The Injury” (episode 12 of season 2).

This episode showed us new pieces in all the characters’ lives.

We see a good side of Dwight, this episode gave us a different sense of Dwight as a person.

We also get a side of Michael that contains all of his insecurities and inadequacies in life. He is so afraid that no one cares about him, that the viewer almost feels like things are getting very bad for Michael.

These elements challenge all other characters.

Pam almost becomes Dwight’s nurse and we see a deeper friendship between them.

Even Jim was more open and actually spoke his mind.

The episode showcased Dwight, Jim, and Michael at their best and funniest.

This is a TV show with a lot of emotions and feelings. That’s what sets it apart from other sitcoms of the era. Everyone took care of each other, even when Michael was put in the MRI machine with Dwight or Jim took him to the emergency room.

But it also happens inside real offices, true to the purpose of this sitcom which is to accurately show real stories in the office workplace.

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