The beauty secret of Middle Eastern girls “Just one look and you’ll be crazy”

The beauty secret of Middle Eastern girls “Just one look and you’ll be crazy”

Gal Gadot is a person who loves exercise, so she practices almost all sports and exercises to stay in shape.

Gal Gadot is called “the goddess who descended to earth” by her fans.

Gal Gadot is an Israeli model and actress. The beauty was crowned Miss Israel in 2004. She still has time to perform duties with the Israeli defense forces as a combat instructor. Recently, the trailer for the movie “Wonder Women” part 2 was just posted, once again Gal Gadot affirmed her acting talent as well as fascinated the public with her beautiful personality. She is not only attracted by her harmonious facial features, deep eyes, high nose bridge and bold Middle Eastern beauty, many people also affirm that as long as Gal Gadot smiles, everyone will fall in love, precisely because Therefore, fans call Gal Gadot “the beauty with the most beautiful smile in the world”
Gal Gadot is about to return with part 2 of the movie “Wonder Woman”.

Drink a lot of water

Drinking lots of water is an important part of her beauty secret.

You may have heard a lot of advice about drinking lots of water, but not without reason, because this method is very effective. “First and foremost is to drink lots of water because no matter how much moisturizer you apply, if your skin is dehydrated from the inside, nothing can save you,” says Gal Gadot. Gal Gadot affirms that natural beauty is the best, she advises women not to wear too much makeup and instead choose lightness. Of course, to do that, you must first protect and take care of your skin.

As soon as she gets home after filming or carrying out a schedule, Gal Gadot will quickly remove her makeup to avoid clogged pores. Her method is very special, Gal Gadot will put the moisturizing towel in the oven and warm it then use it to remove makeup. She added that if you add essential oils like lavender, it will be more effective.

Gal Gadot loves natural beauty.

Loves activities
Gal Gadot is a model with an outstanding height of 1m78 and is considered to have a beautiful frame structure, slim style but toned body. The beauty loves athletics, she trained professionally in basketball before becoming an actress. In addition, she also plays tennis, bubbles and loves rowing. On that side, Gal Gadot loves dancing. As a teenage girl, acting or modeling didn’t really attract Gal Gadot as much as dancing. “I was a dancer for 12 years – ballet, hip hop, contemporary, jazz. I thought I wanted to become a choreographer,” she said.

Gal Gadot loves exercising and trying out many different sports.

With such a working background, to prepare for her role in the movie “Wonder Woman” Gal Gadot practiced riding boards, fencing, weight training, swinging, cardio exercises and even boxing. like men. Every day she spends an hour studying, even practicing everywhere when she doesn’t have time to go to the gym.

Is a signal food

Gal Gadot says that she is a foodie, she likes to eat pasta, burgers,… but also always tries to balance her menu to supplement her body with healthy products. When eating foods that are not suitable for weight loss, Gal Gadot will pay attention to the quantity to ensure it does not affect her weight too much.

The beauty prepares a meal with lots of green vegetables.

Gal Gadot’s diet principles focus on consuming protein and dark green vegetables. She often makes smoothies in the morning that include parsley, celery, green apples, etc. Gal Gadot shares that poor nutrition and insufficient sleep will reduce exercise efficiency by 20, 30%. . She said not only practicing for 1 hour is enough, but each person must make an effort for the remaining 23 hours, including eating and paying attention to sleep.

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