Steve Carell Hair Transplant: Everything You Need To Know

Steve Carell Hair Transplant: Everything You Need To Know

Star of The Office (U.S.) Steve Carell appears to have had a dramatic hairline transformation over the years. As more and more celebrities reveal that they’ve had a hair transplant, the hair restoration procedure has begun to be talked about more openly and without stigma.

England cricket captain Ben Stokes had a hair transplant at the Wimpole Clinic in 2018, and in 2023 opened up about the experience to further reduce the stigma surrounding these hair restoration procedures:

“It’s amazing in cricket now how many people have had [a hair transplant]. It’s a conversation thing now. People ask about it: “What’s it like? How many grafts did you need? Does it hurt? I think I’m going to get one.” The stigma around it has just completely disappeared.”

Steve Carell hasn’t opened up about his own procedure yet, but it seems likely he’s had a hair transplant. So what do we know about the changes in Steve Carell’s hairline? In this article, you’ll find everything you need to know about Steve Carell’s hair transplant.

When did Steve Carell get a hair transplant?

Steve Carell’s hair transplantation took place around 2006, during his role as Michael Scott in The Office (U.S.). Eagle-eyed fans noticed a change in his hairline throughout series 1-7, as it became fuller and neater.

Steve Carell’s hair transformation over the years
Steve Carell was experiencing male pattern baldness, the most common cause of hair loss in men. It affects up to 80% of men [1]. This is typically diagnosed using the Norwood Scale, which categorises the 7 stages of male hair loss.

Steve Carell’s hair timeline: 2000-2005

Comparing photos from the early 2000s to 2006, you can clearly see Steve Carell’s hair loss progressing. During his time on The Daily Show, when he would have been in his late thirties, he seems to have a receding hairline. This is a typical sign of male pattern baldness, with 66% of men experiencing this type of hair loss by the age of 35 [2].

Steve Carell’s receding hairline in 2000
Steve Carell on The Daily Show, 2000
This photo shows Carell at around Norwood stage 1 to 2. At this stage you would see noticeable thinning around the hairline and temples, and in some cases, the crown. The thinning hair may create a slightly M-shaped hairline.

Norwood Scale

By 2005, Carell had further hair loss on his hairline and temples. This put him at around Norwood stage 2 to 3 during the first season of The Office. After this, Carell’s hairline appeared fuller, leading to rumours of hair transplant surgery.

Many men opt to lower their hairline with a hair transplant, as a receding hairline is one of the predominant signs of male pattern baldness.

Carell’s hairline in season 2 of The Office
Steve Carell in the pilot of The Office US, 2005
Some men may experience hair loss more quickly and in other areas. Some men develop a bald spot on the crown. However, it seems that Carell experienced most of his hair loss along his temples and hairline.

Steve Carell’s hair transplant: 2006-present
During mid-2006, it appears that Carell opted for a hair transplant procedure. From season 2 of The Office (U.S.) onwards, Carell has a much neater, more youthful hairline.

Steve Carell Hair Transplant: Everything You Need To Know, Wimpole Clinic

The biggest change is the noticeable filling out of the thinning patch that sat at the front of his hairline during the first season of The Office. A hair transplant can increase hair density, filling out thinner patches and halting the appearance of an ageing hairline, which is why many celebrities opt for a hair transplant.

With any hair transplant procedure (with the exception of artificial hair transplants) it takes time for new hair growth to show. The amount of time needed to see new hair growth depends on the procedure, and whether you use medications like Finasteride and Minoxidil to stimulate hair growth. However, the average amount of time to see new hair growth after a transplant can be anywhere from 6 to 18 months.

Carell’s hair transplant may have taken around a year to grow in. His procedure is said to have taken place in mid-2006. By 2007 – season 3 of The Office – his hairline was noticeably fuller and a lot more natural.

Carell’s hair over the years
The hair transplantation surgery seems to have been incredibly successful for Carell, since 16 years on, his hair looks to be in good condition, with no signs of a receding hairline present.

What type of hair transplant did Steve Carell have?
The type of hair transplant operation that Carell received has never been revealed. However, it is speculated that he received an Follicular Unit Extraction transplant (FUE). Carell’s long-lasting results have proved that his procedure was performed well, potentially at a renowned Los Angeles hair transplant clinic.

When it comes to FUE vs FUT, there are many benefits of an FUE transplant that outweigh those of an FUT strip transplant. However, it should come down to whichever suits the individual best [3].

Carell may have chosen an FUE over a FUT, as FUE hair transplants are significantly less invasive, produce less post-transplant scarring, boast faster results, and allow a shorter hair transplant recovery time. It’s ideal for someone who is in the spotlight. According to the ISHRS 2022 census, more than three-quarters of male hair transplant patients chose to undergo an FUE transplant [4].

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