Selling sweets and skipping class: How the Young Sheldon cast would survive at a UK school

As we all know, Young Sheldon is a show that follows the brilliant Sheldon Cooper. He skips elementary school to go straight into high school and even enters college at 11 years old. His intelligence knows no bounds and makes him quite irritating for those who have to teach him. With his constant corrections and raising his hands, how WOULD Sheldon survive in a UK school? This made me wonder how Sheldon and the rest of the cast would survive in a British school. With that being said, here’s a look at how the Young Sheldon cast would act in a UK school. We all know that Sheldon would not last two seconds in a year eight science class…

Sheldon Cooper

The young Sheldon Cooper would have no survival skills in a UK school. The second he raises his hand and opens his mouth to correct the teacher, it’s a long day for everyone. He would also be a school prefect or head boy and would make it a mission that everyone sticks to the rules. Everyone would hate him.

The thought of ANYONE wearing a bowtie and carrying a briefcase around a UK school is enough reason to bully. I mean, at that point, you’re kind of just asking to get called a “wasteman” by the year eight wannabe roadman.

Missy Cooper

In a UK school, I would say that Missy thrives. She’s cool, funny and rough around the edges. I could definitely see her joining the year seven popular girl group. She would absolutely LOVE UK makeup too. I can picture her coming into school with the thick block eyebrows, unblended bronzer and knock-off Mac lipstick on her teeth. She would be so QUICK to start beef for no reason and would definitely be the type of person who gets put into a groupchat called “sorting things out x”.

Georgie Cooper

You already know that Georgie is the type to be the class clown and the school seller. By that I mean, he carries a black sports bag full of Radnor Fizz, Lucozade and fizzy pencils to sell to other kids on the playground. He definitely is the type to try and get on that early grind whilst he still can.

I can also see him falling victim to the roadman look. You can imagine him now with a buzzcut, riding to school on a BMX and wearing an all Adidas tracksuit. He would also have a mini speaker on his side as he rides to school and would definitely message girls on Snapchat saying they look “peng”. He would be a country boy turned bad.

Paige Swanson

At first, she would be in the same boat as Sheldon. Constantly raising her hand, always getting the questions right. But she would soon come to ditch her intelligence to join the scary school bullies. She would be the type to make fun of you in the PE changing rooms or make you buy her chicken and chips on a Friday after school. I could also imagine her being extremely competitive in PE and be the one in rounders that makes everyone else say “stand back”. She would’ve also thrived in the loom bands era.

Veronica Duncan

In the show, we see Veronica go from bad girl to a good, Christian girl. That would be the same person she is at a UK school. I could see her being the pretty, nice girl that everyone is jealous of. She would most likely be the teacher’s pet type and would be perfect in everything she does. In a UK school, Veronica is definitely in some music band playing the cello and would perform with the school choir in assemblies. She would also get discounted Radnor Fizz from Georgie because he has a soft spot for her.

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