Scarlett Johansson’s new movie is dramatic until the very end

Scarlett Johansson’s new movie is dramatic until the very end

With a strange plot, solid tricks and a good cast, Lucy is an attractive movie this summer.
Considered a big gamble by director Luc Besson’s EuropaCorp studio, Lucy with the participation of beautiful woman Scarlett Johansson is the center of “storms” at a series of box offices around the world.

This is quite understandable because since the role of Black Widow in Marvel movies, Scarlett Johansson is considered one of the brightest “women” of the big screen. Not to mention Luc Besson, the director of Lucy, is famous for “cool” promoting female assassin roles.

Beautiful woman Scarlett Johansson has a perfect performance in the movie Lucy

Attraction from a strange plot

When mentioning Lucy, the press often only tells a brief story: a young American girl living in Taiwan, accidentally captured by a Korean criminal organization. This organization cut open her stomach and stuffed it with a newly created drug, forcing her to help them transport them abroad. But before Lucy could be taken away, the medicine package in her stomach leaked and seeped into Lucy’s body, giving her the ability to control her brain more thoroughly, thereby developing superpowers.

Overall, the concept of this movie is quite old and nothing worth being curious about, because there have been many movies developed based on the brain-stimulating ability of brand-name drugs. The beauty of Luc Besson is that he took the film away from the usual fight-kill path and led Lucy deeper into the world of thought about life and the earth.

Lucy after gaining super abilities after having a large amount of newly made drugs leaked into her body.

In the movie, Lucy, after gaining super abilities, asks neurology professor Norman for help. It was this professor who helped her find a way to take advantage of her super abilities before they overdeveloped and killed her.

The way the story is built in Lucy is full of surprises, twists, suspense, drama and humor. Luc Besson is inherently a man with French humor in his blood, so even in the most tense moments, he can still make the audience laugh with short lines, small glances or simple physical movements. simplest.

Solid tricks

The most noticeable special feature of Lucy is that the film has a staging and structure based on symbolic comparison. This can be called a rather strange experiment by Luc Besson to increase the artistic quality of the film.

Whenever it comes to important scenes such as chasing and dramatic dialogue, Luc Besson puts in frames similar to nature, such as the scene of a mouse about to fall into a trap, a leopard pouncing on a deer. This comparison not only creates an impression but also helps him explain each meaning in the frame quickly without using dialogue.

Scarlett Johansson and Morgan Freeman combine well and perfectly under the guidance of director Luc Besson

In addition to filming, the casting of the movie also brings a lot of excitement and roundness to Lucy. Scarlett Johansson’s acting is so impressive and excellent. Viewers will easily be haunted by the scene of Lucy’s trance and drug overdose right near the beginning of the movie. This girl has a cold, European style that is equally cold and sharp. Morgan Freeman was so calm and confident in his lecture about the human brain’s capabilities. His explanation was shown parallel to Lucy’s escape journey, which also made viewers feel more excited. It’s like being lectured and watching illustrations at the same time.

Scarlett Johansson’s cold face and impressive acting as Lucy.

One of the other notable faces in the film is Choi Min Sik, a Korean actor who starred in Oldboy 2003. What is interesting is that both Choi Min Sik’s character in the film (Mr. Jang) and himself I don’t know English and only use Korean. However, Choi Min Sik still excelled in showing the brutality, coldness and somewhat rudeness of the Korean mafia.

Some regrets

Although it is a very welcome strange experiment by Luc Besson, Lucy will probably have a hard time winning the hearts of those who have been fans of his branded action films up to now. Due to focusing too much on describing Lucy’s ideology, the film feels a bit clunky, with some segments being overly tense.

Although there are still some regrets, Lucy is a movie that should be seen this summer.

Viewers are sometimes unnecessarily crammed with too much knowledge and moral lessons, while There are many characters given too little time, leading to a lackluster and shallow character. After this movie, many people will probably agree that Scarlet Johansson should continue to act in action movies, and Luc Besson should return to his old self. The movie Lucy will officially premiere in theaters nationwide from August 15.

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