Scarlett Johansson sued Hollywood’s biggest studio

Scarlett Johansson sued Hollywood’s biggest studio

Scarlett Johansson decided to file a lawsuit against Disney on the grounds that the company broke the contract.

Scarlett Johansson sued Disney for releasing the blockbuster Black Widow simultaneously on the online platform Disney+ along with its theatrical release. That means the company violated the terms of the contract signed with the actress.

The lawsuit was submitted by Scarlett Johansson to the Los Angeles court, USA on July 29. In court documents, the 36-year-old actress said that in the contract signed with Disney, the company committed to exclusively releasing Black Widow in theaters and Scarlett Johansson’s salary will depend largely on theatrical revenue. . Disney released it simultaneously on the online platform but did not notify the actress, making Scarlett Johansson not fully aware of the profits that the agreement between her and Disney would bring.

Scarlett Johansson
Previously, Disney planned to only release Black Widow in theaters from April last year but it was continuously postponed because of the Covid-19 epidemic. This film was only recently released in theaters, and at the same time on the Disney + platform for online subscribers. Scarlett Johansson’s side believes that no matter what, the company has an obligation to respect the signed contract.

Black Widow premiered on July 9 and had an opening revenue of 80 million USD in the North American market as well as 78 million USD globally. This film also brought Disney 60 million USD on the Disney+ Premier platform. However, to date Scarlett Johansson has only received a salary of 20 million USD.

Disney representatives said they were “sad and hurt” by Scarlett’s legal move and said the actress’s lawsuit was worthless.

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