Scarlett Johansson nude in new movie?

Scarlett Johansson nude in new movie?

Fans are very curious about the famous “nude” bathing scene in the horror movie “Psycho” that will be recreated again by Hollywood’s hottest actress…

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With the participation of Scarlett and Anthony Hopkins (taking on the role of legendary film director Hitchcock), the movie Alfred Hitchcock and the Making of Psycho is attracting the attention of many fans.

This is a film about the process of legendary director Alfred Hitchcock making the movie Psycho. Psycho was nominated for 4 Oscars in 1961, won 5 awards and 3 nominations in other film awards. The film is about a paranoid man named Norman Bates, who killed his mother but did not accept that fact. He also built a motel and killed any girls who came to stay, including the beautiful girl Marion Crane.

“Psycho” – famous horror film directed by Alfred Hitchcock

In the film, Scarlett Johansson takes on the role of Janet Leigh – the actress who portrayed Marion Crane in the 1960 version of Psycho. This biographical film is being compared to the film A Week With Marilyn because it tells the same mysterious stories. secrets about the talented artist’s life.

Hollywood’s hottest beauty – Scarlett Johansson will play actress Janet Leigh

Janet Leigh’s shower scene in Psycho was voted the best movie ending scene of all time, according to a critics’ poll published in the film magazine Total. In this scene, actress Janet Leigh had to be completely naked in front of the camera, and was extremely frightened by the appearance of the murderer.

However, many fans of “Psycho” are wondering how the movie will handle the shower scene of Janet Leigh, played by Scarlett. Because the bathroom scene, even though it only lasts a few minutes, is a difficult scene in the movie. There have been many different anecdotes surrounding this scene, including one that in the past, when making this movie, director Alfred Hitchcock used ice-cold water to make Leigh’s scream real. than.

At the same time, many fans were quite curious about the news that Hollywood’s hot lady would be naked in front of the screen to recreate this famous scene.

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