Netflix’s New Action Movie Makes Game Of Thrones’ Most Jarring Recast More Bizarre, 9 Years Later

Netflix’s New Action Movie Makes Game Of Thrones’ Most Jarring Recast More Bizarre, 9 Years Later

Netflix’s new sci-fi action movie features two former Game of Thrones actors in its cast, which is a reminder of a famous recasting on the HBO show.


Netflix’s hit new action movie Rebel Moon features several Game of Thrones actors, with two, in particular, making one of the show’s most notable character recastings more shocking. With such an expansive ensemble cast across eight seasons, it’s not surprising to find numerous Game of Thrones actors in Harry PotterStar Wars, and various other action-heavy and UK-represented franchises. However, what makes the representation of Game of Thrones actors in the cast of Rebel Moon so notable is the fact that two of its leads happened to play the same memorably recast character in the HBO series, with the actors’ roles then being wildly different in Zack Snyder’s 2023 movie.

Like many other long-running series and franchises, Game of Thrones was notorious for recasting its supporting characters. While the original pilot saw some memorable recasts, like Emilia Clarke taking over as Daenerys, the series continued to have several actors tackle the same big characters, such as The Mountain being played by three actors. Certain actor changes were done between seasons to make them less noticeable, such as an aged-up Tommen being recast in season 4 after being absent from season 3, whereas others occurred in the next episode. The most notable example of this occurred in Game of Thrones’ season 4 premiere, with the character’s original and recast actors now starring opposite one another in Rebel Moon.

Rebel Moon Stars Game Of Thrones’ Daario Naharis Actors Ed Skrein & Michiel Huisman

Daario Naharis Actors Ed Skrein and Michiel Huisman in Game of Thrones

The Second Sons’ leader Daario Naharis was introduced in Game of Thrones season 3, episode 8, with Ed Skrein playing the mysterious warrior. Skrein’s Daario had very little dialogue throughout his three appearances in Game of Thrones season 3, with the finale having just barely established his personality and attraction to Daenerys. However, when Daario returned in Game of Thrones’ season 4 premiere, he was played by Michiel Huisman. While actor changes between a season finale and premiere can oftentimes go unnoticed, Daario Naharis’ recasting was immediately recognizable, as the two actors look virtually nothing alike.

Ed Skrein reportedly left Game of Thrones for “political” reasons. Michiel Huisman continued to play Daario Naharis from Game of Thrones season 4 through season 6.

Not only had Daario undergone a stark physical transformation, but Huisman’s version of the character also had a completely different energy and personality than Skrein’s, which is highlighted by their respective Rebel Moon castings. Over nine years after the famous Daario Naharis recasting, his two actors are now on-screen rivals in Netflix’s Rebel Moon. Huisman plays one of the primary protagonists, Gunnar, while Skrein stars as Rebel Moon’s main antagonist, Admiral Noble. Placing the two actors together in Rebel Moon reiterates how jarring the Daario Naharis change was back in 2014, as it’s hard to believe that the two played the same character on one of the biggest TV shows in history.

Ed Skrein & Michiel Huisman’s Rebel Moon Roles Prove How Much GOT’s Recasting Changed Daario Naharis

Daario’s changes between Game of Thrones’ season 3 finale and season 4 premiere were more than just physical, with his demeanor and interactions with other characters also seeing shocking adjustments. Skrein’s Daario was more mysterious and rebelliously charismatic, embodying a darker, quieter, and potentially more dangerous warrior that Daenerys accepted. Meanwhile, Huisman’s Daario was still cunning yet more charming, who maintained the skills and qualities of a hardened leader while also being a softer, less rebellious suitor for Daenerys. Game of Thrones’ book character had antihero qualities that both Skrein and Huisman could fit, but their on-screen approaches to Daario were jarringly different, as they respectively aligned more with Skrein’s Rebel Moon villain and Huisman’s hero.

With Skrein now brilliantly playing the sinister Admiral Noble in Rebel Moon while Huisman fittingly plays the movie’s farmer-turned-fighter Gunnar, it’s all the more shocking that Game of Thrones thought there could be a seamless transition between the two. It would be difficult to imagine Skrein as Gunnar or Huisman as Noble in Rebel Moon, yet their respective Daarios greatly foreshadow their proficiencies in their film roles. With Skrein and Huisman both reprising their roles in Rebel Moon’s upcoming sequel, the realization that they shared a Game of Thrones character is apt to become even more striking.

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