Jon Cryer Reveals Craziest Stories About Charlie Sheen: Prostitutes, Porn, Rape Jokes and More

You won’t believe what the Two and a Half Men star is saying about his co-star

Jon Cryer sure has a lot of crazy stories about Charlie Sheen.

In a preview of his new book So That Happened, Cryer opens up about the wackiest times he’s had with his controversial Two and a Half Men co-star.

“One day during the first season of Two and a Half Men, I got a knock on my trailer door. It was Charlie—my trailer was next to his—and he seemed panicked,” Cryer writes (via THR). “‘Dude! Dude! I need your help.’ ‘Sure thing,’ I said and ended the cellphone call I was on. ‘What’s going on?'”

The 49-year-old continues, “He handed me a heavy shopping bag. ‘Denise [Richards] is coming over,’ he said, ‘and I need you to hide something for me.’ Oh, boy, I thought. If this is drug paraphernalia…’Is it legal?’ I asked. ‘What? Yeah, oh, yeah. It’s legal. Hey, thanks.’ He left, and I had to look. By legal, he meant barely legal. The bag was filled to the brim with porn.”

Charlie Sheen, Angus T. Jones, Jon Cryer, Two and a Half Men

But that’s not all. Cryer reveals Sheen introduced him to the world of prostitution after his divorce. “We talked about prostitutes,” Cryer writes. “I was in a bad state right after my divorce, and I certainly didn’t feel dateable. I was an emotional basket case. What good was I to any woman I might have interest in? I decided I might as well pay someone for company and certain intimate pleasures so that I could at least get my equilibrium back with the opposite sex. Charlie suggested a few online purveyors he used, as this was when prostitution was gaining a foothold on the Internet.”

Cryer also recalled learning that Sheen was arrested on Christmas Day 2009 in Aspen for assaulting his then wife Brooke Mueller. “Alarmed and freaked out, I texted him: Dude, my thoughts are with you. If you need to talk, give a call; if you’ve got bigger problems, call me when you get back,” Cryer revealed. “Charlie texted back: Thanks bro. Yikes — f— me, wut a bad day … I’m flying home tonite. I’ll try to call over the weekend. Shower rape was bad but the food was okay. Hair and makeup for mug shot got there too late. He followed that with: And I had same bail bondsman as Kobe. … No joke … :). I took the sense of humor about shower rape and sharing Kobe Bryant‘s bail bondsman as a good sign, though it seemed pretty clear my friend and colleague wasn’t sober anymore.”

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