House Of The Dragon Season 2 Double Trailer Breakdown: Everything Revealed & What You Missed – Part 2

10. Black Trailer – Gwayne Hightower Is Involved In The Dance Of Dragons

The eldest son of Otto Hightower has a role to play.

While Gwayne Hightower appeared in House of the Dragon season 1 briefly, it appears he will have a bigger role to play in season 2. The Black trailer shows Gwayne looking up in shock, potentially placing him in one of House of the Dragon season 2’s battles. In the books, Gwayne becomes second-in-command of the City Watch of King’s Landing, potentially explaining his bigger role in the show.

9. Black Trailer – Rhaenys Offers Cautionary Words To Rhaenyra’s War

A voice of reason is provided in the form of Rhaenyra’s aunt.

Despite House Velaryon’s support, Rhaenys was often shown as someone who wished to avoid war if possible. If not for her own grievances about not being awarded the Iron Throne, Rhaenys’ wisdom often sees her acting as the voice of reason where war is concerned. This trait is seemingly continuing in House of the Dragon season 2, with the Black trailer ending with Rhaenys’ words of warning to Rhaenyra. While Rhaenys accepts Rhaenyra’s plight, she warns her niece that “when the desire to kill and burn takes hold and reason is forgotten, you will not even remember what began the war in the first place.”

8. Green Trailer – House Hightower’s Plight Is Explored In House Of The Dragon Season 2

Conversely, the Green trailer for House of the Dragon season 2 focuses on the views of House Hightower and their allies. From the viewpoint of Alicent Hightower, Rhaenyra and her followers are simply anarchists looking to usurp the peace of the realm. Believing that Viserys wished to crown Aegon as his successor, Alicent and the Hightowers cannot understand why Rhaenyra would want the Iron Throne. Combined with the unlikelihood of the Seven Kingdoms accepting a queen, Hightower feels no one but Aegon II should sit on the throne.

7. Green Trailer – Vengeance For Prince Lucerys Is Teased As War Begins

The heartbreaking eye-for-an-eye battle of the Dance of Dragons is near.

Much like their enemies, Team Green is shown preparing for war in House of the Dragon season 2. The war in question was spurred by Aemond’s unintentional murder of Prince Lucerys, something that will soon be paid back in blood. At one point in the Green trailer for House of the Dragon season 2, a seedy shot of King’s Landing’s underbelly can be shown. This teases the inclusion of Blood and Cheese in the show, the disturbing characters who inflict vengeance on Alicent for the Hightower’s seeming murder of Lucerys.

6. Green Trailer – King’s Landing Prepares For Dragon Attacks

The walls of King’s Landing are equipped with scorpions.

The greatest threat to a dragon shown in Game of Thrones was a scorpion. In House of the Dragon season 2’s Green trailer, Arryk Cargyll can be seen standing atop the walls of King’s Landing with a scorpion behind him. This proves that House Hightower is preparing for an attack on the city by Team Black’s dragons.

5. Green Trailer – King Aegon II Takes A More Active Role In House Of The Dragon Season 2

The quiet prince has now become a threatened king.

Despite the Dance of Dragons being fought between Rhaenyra and Aegon II, the latter received little screen time in House of the Dragon season 1. This was due to his role as solely a prince for much of the first season, though the Green trailer for House of the Dragon season 2 teases a much more active role for the King of the Seven Kingdoms going forward. Not only is Aegon attempting to secure his throne by declaring war on Rhaenyra, but he is shown trying to support those loyal to him while making himself more threatening to his enemies.

It could well be the case that House of the Dragon season 2 explores more in-depth about how the king feels during the war.

Interestingly, it could be the case that House of the Dragon season 2 will explore Aegon’s thoughts about the Hightowers putting him on the throne. In the Green trailer, Alicent can be heard telling her son that he has no idea of the sacrifices that were made to ensure he became king. While Aegon is known to fight the Dance of Dragons in A Song of Ice and Fire lore, it could well be the case that House of the Dragon season 2 explores more in-depth about how the king feels during the war.

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