Hot actress Scarlett Johansson also sometimes turns “silly” around her daughter

Hot actress Scarlett Johansson also sometimes turns “silly” around her daughter

Known as the most profitable actress in Hollwood, Scarlett Johansson is successful with many impressive roles but few people know about her role as a mother.
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Known as the most profitable actress in Hollwood, Scarlett Johansson is successful with many impressive roles but few people know about her role as a mother.

After the breakdown of her first marriage with Ryan Reynolds from July 2011, to September 2013, Scarlett Johansson suddenly confirmed her engagement to her not-so-famous boyfriend, Romain Dauriac. Although the boyfriend is not a public figure, their love affair received the support and admiration of many people.

The result is her 3-year-old daughter Rose. Thinking that the life of America’s “sex bomb” was perfect here, recently, she suddenly filed for divorce from her husband, shocking her.

Scarlett Johansson also had fun moments walking around with her daughter and husband.

For the moment, without discussing much about Scarlett Johansson’s illustrious career or her troubled married life, she is also a mother who loves her daughter very much and sometimes even makes silly jokes to make her daughter happy. can smile.

The actress once shared that when she became a mother, her life seemed to change completely. Like other mothers, she feels very attached to her daughter, always wants to be with her and enjoys doing small things with her, or simply doing tricks to make her laugh.

When the “sexy bomb” becomes a mother

“You start to think differently, like ‘Oh, I brought this perfect being into this world. Will the baby be okay? Will everyone treat me well?”.

These thoughts are giving me a headache… I haven’t had a full night’s sleep for a while, so please forgive me if I say something wrong. I just became a mother not long ago” – Scarlett Johansson once shared in a TV show about her pregnancy.

Baby Rose is the first daughter of Scarlett Johansson and her husband, French journalist Romain Dauriac. The girl was born in September 2014 and is now almost 4 years old.

Different image during pregnancy of the famous actress.

Confiding about the first day mother and daughter officially met, Scarlett recalled: “When the girl came to me, I was extremely surprised. I had a very clear picture in my mind of what my daughter would look like.” But in reality, she looks completely different. Perfect but not at all like I imagined!

The first images of Rose – Scarlett’s daughter and her journalist husband.

The actress talked about her happiness when having children: “It’s an extremely magical thing, even though it makes you exhausted at times. The love for a baby is truly immeasurable. When breastfeeding, I feel a wonderful connection between mother and child.”

I find the job of changing diapers for my child very interesting

Becoming a mother at the age of 29 while her career is skyrocketing, Scarlett Johansson, despite being busy with her acting schedule, still spends a lot of time taking care of her children herself.

There is information that, even though she was 7 months pregnant, Scarlett still took risky actions on her own. Perhaps the extremely high sense of responsibility at work also makes the actress feel even more responsible and love her daughter even more because of the past days.

The actress plays the mother extremely well.

On screen, no matter how hot and sexy Scarlett is, when she is with girls, she becomes more simple and gentle. Like other mothers, Scarlett also encountered many difficulties when taking care of her daughter. She said: “Changing her diaper is the most exciting thing, I often have to use a toy to hold in my hand, then sing… but the way No matter what, Rose really hates changing diapers.”

When going out with her daughter, the actress is also gentle in jeans and a t-shirt, holding her baby in her arms and always giving her daughter a loving look. The first shared images of Rose look more like her father than her mother and have boyish features.

Be silly while playing with your child

For Scarlett Johansson, having children is a miracle for her and since her daughter appeared, her life has almost completely changed. All actions and thoughts are always directed towards girls. After giving birth to Rose, Scarlett also looked to buy a new Spanish-style apartment so she could take care of and raise her daughter.

She also said: “The greatest joy is when I look at my daughter. When I go out with her and do stupid things, if I make her laugh, I discover the happiness I have.”

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