Greg Daniels Says ‘The Office’ Reboot Isn’t Happening (Yet)

Greg Daniels Says ‘The Office’ Reboot Isn’t Happening (Yet)


It looks like fans of The Office will have to stick to reruns.

The Internet recently went wild over a viral report that the beloved show would be rebooted following the writers’ and actors’ strike. However, original showrunner Greg Daniels has now put that rumor to bed, sharing that there are no current plans for a reboot.

“Well, I think that it’s very speculative,” Daniels said. “The fact that it kind of blew up based on one line in a Puck piece was kind of cool, I guess, in the sense that the fans still care a lot. But the thing I would say is, when there’s something to announce, I will definitely announce it.”

That doesn’t mean it won’t ever happen. Daniels did confirm there have been “conversations” between him and NBC about either a reboot or “an extension of the universe, you know what I mean, like the way ‘[The] Mandalorian’ is like an extension of ‘Star Wars.’”

Perhaps writers need more time to figure how, if at all, a reboot of a show about a paper company would survive in today’s technology-driven world. It’s something Daniels already has begun thinking about, sharing with Collider about the potential plot opportunities technology could bring to Dunder Mifflin.

“When you watch old movies, it’s like a game to identify what wouldn’t work when everybody had a cell phone,” Daniels said. “You know what I mean? Like all the story moves of people like, ‘Oh, they just missed you. Oh, dang.’ Now maybe I’ll get on that boat and go to, you know, it’s just like, ‘Oh, how frustrating if you only had a cell phone.’ I mean, it’s an interesting question for sure.”


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