Game Of Thrones: 9 Best Tweets About Jon & Arya’s Relationship

Jon and Arya deliver one of the sweetest brother-and-sister relationships in Game of Thrones and Twitter users share some great insights

With many intricate brother-and-sister relationships going on in House of the Dragon, it’s a great time to remember one of the few Game of Thrones brother-and-sister friendships that was sweet and earnest from beginning to end, even though they didn’t have too much screen time together: Jon and Arya.Their reunion was one of the most-anticipated moments of the latter seasons and paid off beautifully, doing justice to the adorable brother-and-sister chemistry that remained after so many years apart. Twitter users didn’t forget about these two and shares some great insights.

9. Jon Calls Up The Best In Arya

that was when arya missed her brothers the most. she wanted to tease bran and play with baby rickon and have robb smile at her. she wanted jon to muss up her hair and call her “little sister” and finish her sentences with her. but all of them were gone.

Arya ended her arc in Game of Thrones as a skillful assassin and a caring sister, but for most of the show the delicate side of her personality was nowhere to be found, and no one can judge her: she witnessed many family members die, her friends abused and killed, and was forced to join a violent reality in order to survive.


However, Season 8 brought back a side of Arya that was concealed ever since Season 1, especially because of Jon: after all this time, their brother-and-sister relationship was the only one that was kept unchanged with Robb and Rickon dead, and Bran transcending as the new Three-Eyed Raven.

8. Jon As The Supporting Brother

The scene in which Jon gifts Arya the “Needle” is arguably one of the most wholesome moments of the show. The fact that this is the first interaction between the two characters shows the level of screenplay quality and actor chemistry as their moving relationship is encapsulated in just a few minutes, ensuring fans will look forward to their reunion whenever they’re seen apart from each other. It ended up being a long, long wait.

In this scene, Jon proves himself to be Arya’s most supportive brother, the one she can rely on at all times. While everyone else in her family forced her to act like a lady, Jon gave her a sword and enticed her to use it.

7. Arya Follows Jon’s Steps

tbh i don’t think arya is much like either of her parents. that’s why she’s so close to jon and why she survives everything she survives. — bisexual jon snow and jamie lannister truther (@snowsIasher) November 14, 2022
Arya is sort of the black sheep in the Stark family; she’s difficult to tame, unwavering, and likes to take risks. Part of this behavior can be explained by her close relationship with Jon and how she indirectly follows his steps, consequently becoming a warrior just as skillful as him when they reunite.

With the two following similar paths, Arya ended up taking over some of Jon’s objectives. Fans argue the show might’ve gone too far by letting Arya kill The Night King since many people believe it should’ve been Jon.

6. They Protect Each Other

Something truly special about Jon and Arya’s reunion is how there’s a certain inversion of papers. Jon became the risk-taker, aiming at the seemingly impossible task of uniting Westeros against a common threat. On the other hand, Arya stood next to him as a protective figure ready to fight anyone who poses a threat to him.

Truth is, their relationship evolved into a mutual chain of protection and trust. In the past, it was solely Arya who needed Jon’s support, until he needed her as a faithful counselor. Too bad he didn’t follow her advice when she joined Sansa in alerting Jon about Daenerys.

5. Arya’s Real Brother

While the other Starks saw Jon as a bastard, regardless of whether they treated him nicely or not, Arya was the only one who saw him as a true brother, a Stark, just like her.

The distinction was pointless to her and Arya saw in Jon a part of who she wanted to be in the future. To her, the precious bond the two shared was more important than bloodlines, while Jon felt truly honored to be seen as a true part of the family even if just from his younger sister’s perspective.

4. It’s A Miracle They Ended Up Alive

Dany was stabbed less times than Jon and Arya. Don’t tell me she can’t come back from the dead.

Throughout eight seasons both Jon and Arya hung between life and death in a succession of deadly situations. Jon was injured several times, literally faced a whole army of undead, and even after being resurrected he nearly died in battle. As for Arya, she was stabbed multiple times in the stomach by the Waif and still made it out alive.


The fan shares their frustration with the two Starks going through all this while Daenerys dies for good in the first successful attempt on her life. Perhaps one of the main reasons Arya and Jon weren’t killed off sooner is that the show would be incomplete without their long-awaited reunion.

3. Always Listen To Arya

Underestimating Arya’s combat skills can be a deadly misstep, but undermining her intelligence can be just as dangerous. Her sharp wit is one of her most distinctive traits, and although Sansa and she hardly agree with each other, she took her sister’s side by warning Jon about Daenerys.

Unfortunately, Jon stubbornly ignored them and got more than he bargained for when Dany lost her mind, witnessing the death of hundreds of innocent civilians and consequently being forced to betray his own values to stop her.

2. Bring Arya Back

Many fans complained about Jon’s spin-off mainly because they think Arya is a much better character, and she still has a lot of plot to offer, while her brother is exiled in the far north where, supposedly, there’s not much going on.

To every Game of Thrones fan, including the large portion that dislikes Jon Snow, a more interesting way to look forward to the spin-off is thinking of how the show can bring many of their favorite characters back, and seeing Jon reunited with Arya once more would be truly delightful.

1. Doing Justice To The Gift

When handing Needle to Arya, Jon’s advice was simple: “stick them with the pointy end.” The seemingly innocent Season 1 quote ended up becoming a signature definition of the skilled assassin Arya would eventually become.

The moment in which Jon asks her if she ever used it is quite comical especially due to Arya’s expression, almost as if an extensive recollection of all the people she killed with it flashes through her mind for a moment.


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