Full House: Which Character Should You Date, Based On Your Chinese Zodiac?

Full House: Which Character Should You Date, Based On Your Chinese Zodiac?

Which of the Full House characters should a Rat date? What about a Pig? We pair up the family with the Chinese signs.

The Chinese horoscope not only explains the personality traits, but also points out the compatibility between individuals. These tips can help to establish stronger couples that achieve greater harmony in everyday living.

Love compatibility can not only be obtained in real life, it is possible to take it to fiction to have some fun and see if our favorite characters are akin to our personality, and what better way to do it than with one of the most popular TV series? Full House, without a doubt, has very charming characters and many fans would like to be part of this family.

Rat: Steve Hale

The Rat is usually versatile, witty, charming, and affectionate, and people of this Chinese sign expect the same level of commitment and loyalty from their partner, so they may have great compatibility with Steve who likes to be in serious relationships.

Steve will always be present and make his partner feel comfortable. People in this sign will also appreciate Steve’s honesty and the fidelity that this character offers to his loved ones and friends.

Ox: Danny Tanner

Bob Saget as Danny Tanner on Full House

The Ox expects a long-term relationship and Danny Tanner has the personality type to offer that level of commitment. He offers the security, honesty, and reliability necessary for those of this sign.

Danny can ensure the growth of the couple, which is necessary for the Ox. In addition, he can offer the kind of analytical skills that will nurture those of this sign personally, which will be reflected in the relationship.

Tiger: Jesse Katsopolis

Full House image with Jesse and Kimmy arguing over a fence.

The Tiger needs someone with the same level of energy, who can keep up with them and encourage them to go further. Jesse will never bore his partner and with his charm he will maintain the magic that the Tiger needs to be happy.


Jesse’s spontaneous nature and romanticism are also important for keeping the spark of love alive. The Tiger will be happy with a couple that pampers him and makes him laugh at the same time.

Rabbit: Rebecca Donaldson Katsopolis

Rebecca Donaldson in Full House

The Rabbit needs a deep connection and with Rebecca, they can have it. In addition, anyone will appreciate that with her, they can have peace and harmony in the relationship, without any conflict or complications.

People of this Chinese sign are tender and loving and expect the same attention back. Although they are usually calm, they also enjoy that in their relationships there is a lot of passion, to show how much they are capable of loving.

Dragon: DJ Tanner

DJ is not a dependent person and this quality is appreciated by the Dragon who hopes to have autonomy in their relationships. The Dragon will also enjoy the sense of responsibility of DJ, because they are quite constant and serious in his work.

The Dragon will love having a partner with whom they can have long conversations, so they choose smart people to relate to. DJ can meet the Dragon’s expectations and have a deep connection with them.

Snake: Gia Mahan

Gia Mahan and Stephanie Tanner in Fuller House

The Snake has a great passion for everything they do and needs someone by their side who shows the same level of enthusiasm. Gia can offer this energy, passion, and understanding of the kind of independent romance that this sign loves.

Both are carefree and, although they think about the future, they prefer to make a more relaxed and superficial impression. For this reason, they will be very compatible, being able to talk about other issues rather than everyday problems.

Horse: Michelle Tanner

The Horse loves adventure and new experiences as much as Michelle does. They will make a good couple who will enjoy different activities every day, where they can release all the accumulated energy they have.


They both have a generous, relaxed personality and have a great sense of humor that makes them always be surrounded by people. Besides having a similar rhythm of life, they expect to receive and give a lot of love in their relationships, so, they complement each other very well to lead a lifestyle that both of them enjoy.

Goat: Stephanie Tanner

Jodie Sweetin as Stephanie Tanner in Full House and Fuller House

The Goat is lovable and needs to receive a lot of affection, Stephanie for her part is very warm, funny, sensitive, and with a big heart to wrap up all her loved ones.

She also lets others love her easily, so the Goat will be happy to offer her constant demonstrations of affection. They both love people, animals, and the concept of family, which is why they will have a great time together.

Monkey: Joey Gladstone

Joey on Full House

Monkey likes fun and Joey’s always smiling and making jokes. The laughter between these two will be constant and the routine will be totally bearable for these two personalities who are trying to remove the serious side of life.

The Monkey is looking for adventure and Joey will be willing to follow the path into the unknown, realizing that both can encourage each other and have a fairly similar energy, based on their warm and sociable personality.

Rooster: Kimmy Gibbler

Full Fuller House Kimmy Gibbler

The Rooster is always moving and wants a person by their side who is not intimidated by this great energy. Kimmy can handle this pace and even exceed it, she never stops and will be grateful to have a partner who doesn’t tire easily.

Kimmy also loves to talk, she is the type of person who always has a new story to entertain her friends. Meanwhile, the Rooster likes sincere, extensive, and funny conversations, so Kimmy’s anecdotes will have a good receiver.

Dog: Teddy

Michelle’s friend was always tender and sweet, able to bring out the best in people. The Dog needs someone with these qualities in their life, to provide him with loyalty, love, and protection.

Because they can be a bit of a pessimist, the Dog can benefit from a relationship with an enthusiastic and genuine person like Teddy. In addition, people of this sign dedicate themselves completely in their relationships and expect a good portion of honesty.

Pig: Nicky and Alex Katsopolis

Fuller House Alex and Nicky

The Pig is affectionate, just like the Katsopolis twins are. These brothers are close to turning 30 years old and any of them would be a good match for those who like to enjoy life.

The Pig is a person of action, with a great personality that attracts enthusiastic individuals. The Pig, like the twins, possesses great kindness and optimism, so a life together will be more complete and happy.

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