Full House: DJ & Steve’s Relationship Timeline Explained

Full House: DJ & Steve’s Relationship Timeline Explained

The love story between DJ Tanner and Steve Hale was a central focus of the television series Full House and its Netflix sequel Fuller House. Although they didn’t meet until later in the show, their connection was undeniable once they did. Throughout both series, DJ and Steve faced various obstacles and went through many ups and downs, but their love always endured.

They had one of the most adored and captivating romances of the shows. DJ and Steve officially began dating in Full House season 6, episode 4, after their movie date was interrupted by Stephanie and Michelle.

As a senior in high school, Steve was considering attending Daytona Beach University in Florida, while DJ wanted him to stay in San Francisco. They argued over the issue, but eventually, Steve decided to stay and attend a local college to be with DJ. Unfortunately, their love story took a heartbreaking turn in Full House season 7, episode 19 when DJ realized that their passion had faded. During a trip to Eagle Mountain, they made the difficult decision to break up. Although they remained friends, it would be a while before Steve made another appearance.

However, in the series finale of Full House, Steve returned and reignited his relationship with DJ. He showed up at her front door, asking her to prom, and they shared a kiss.

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