Evin Cosby, Bill Cosby’s Daughter: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Evin Cosby, Bill Cosby’s Daughter: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Evin Cosby, Bill Cosby Daughter, Evin Cosby and Bill Cosby, Evin Cosby Facebook Post, Evin Cosby Speaks Out, Bill Cosby's Children

To date, Bill Cosby has been accused of rape, sexual assault, and/or sexual misconduct by more than 50 women, and now, his daughter, Evin Cosby, is speaking out.

On Wednesday morning, Evin, the youngest of Cosby’s four surviving children, took to Facebook with a heated post defending her father and criticizing the media for his “public persecution.”

“The harsh and hurtful accusations that supposedly happened 40 or 50 years ago, before I was born, in another lifetime, and that have carelessly been repeated as truth without allowing my dad to defend himself and without requiring proof, has punished not just my dad but every one of us,” Evin writes.

1. She Defended Her Father Wednesday Morning in an Unexpected Facebook Post

Evin Cosby, Bill Cosby Daughter, Evin Cosby and Bill Cosby, Evin Cosby Facebook Post, Evin Cosby Speaks Out, Bill Cosby's Children
It’s unclear what led Evin to write the Facebook post she published on her father’s page Wednesday morning.

In the post, Evin says:

“I know that my father loves me, loves my sisters and my mother. He loves and respects women. He is not abusive, violent or a rapist.”

She later added, “Sure, like many celebrities tempted by opportunity, he had his affairs, but that was between him and my mother. They have worked through it and moved on, and I am glad they did for them and for our family.”

Read the entire post below:

2. Her Brother, Ennis, Was Murdered in 1997

Evin Cosby, Bill Cosby Daughter, Evin Cosby and Bill Cosby, Evin Cosby Facebook Post, Evin Cosby Speaks Out, Bill Cosby's Children
Bill Cosby’s son, Ennis Cosby, was murdered on January 16, 1997. He was shot in the head near Interstate 405 in Los Angeles in a failed robbery attempt. Ennis was 28 at the time.

An 18-year-old man named Mikhail Markhasev was tried and convicted of Ennis’s murder in July 1998. He was sentenced to life in prison, and maintained his innocence until 2002, when he confessed to the murder and withdrew his appeals.

According to an article published by ABC News at the time, Markhasev’s confession letter included an apology to the Cosby family. He also wrote that he wanted to abandon his appeal “because it was a lie” and he “wanted to do the right thing”. A portion of the note read:

Although my appeal is in its beginning stages, I don’t want to continue with it because it’s based on falsehood and deceit… I am guilty, and I want to do the right thing … More than anything, I want to apologize to the victim’s family. It is my duty as a Christian, and it’s the least I can do, after the great wickedness for which I am responsible.

3. She Studied at the Fashion Institute of Technology in NYC

Evin attended Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia, but later transferred to FIT, The Fashion Institute of Technology, in New York City.

In 2012, Guest of a Guest spoke to Evin about fashion, career, and personal style. When asked what drew her to fashion, she said:

I’ve always been in to fashion, since I was a teenager. I went to Columbia Prep and people always told me that I should do something with fashion. Also, just being around my family, who had friends that were always glamorous and they would dress me up. I was always highly influenced by them. I was always in to fashion. I can remember starting at age 6. I was just like always trying to look like Madonna or something like that. Then it just grew. When I went to college, I went to Spelman in Atlanta for two years. I was never really interested in any of their majors. I decided to go to FIT and that’s where I stayed. I just love fashion.

4. She Owns a Fashion Boutique

After graduating from FIT, Evin opened up her own small business, a boutique store called “PB & Caviar” in Tribeca.

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