Every New & Returning Dragon In The House Of The Dragon Season 2 – Part 2

5. Vermax is bonded to Jacaerys Velaryon.

Vermax is one of the youngest dragons alive in House of the Dragon and is bonded to Rhaenyra’s son, Jacaerys Velaryon. Like Jacaerys, who strives to grow stronger and contribute to his mother’s cause in the war, Vermax grows at a significant rate. As of the start of season 2, Vermax is one of the smallest and least powerful dragons alive.

What Vermax will be doing in season 2:
At the end of season 1, Jacaerys and Lucerys were sent to delegate with House Stark and House Baratheon, respectively, to bring supporters to Rhaenyra’s side for the coming war. While Lucerys perished in the process, season 2 will pick up where Jacaerys left off, showing his trip to Winterfell to meet Cregan Stark. Vermax will travel to the North and the Wall with Jacaerys, then later support the Black faction in battle.

4. Vermithor is currently riderless.

Like Vhagar, Vermithor is an enormous old dragon, though he’s riderless at the start of season 2. Known as “the Bronze Fury,” Vermithor was previously bonded to King JaehaerysTargaryen but has been without a human bond since. Season 1’s ending teased Vermithor’s appearance in a scene where Daemon visited him on Dragonstone and sang to him.

What Vermithor will be doing in season 2:
Like Seasmoke, Vermithor is a top priority for the Black faction to find a rider for, as the nearly 100-year-old dragon is one of the most powerful alive. Season 2 will see Vermithor bond with a new character named Hugh Hammer, a dragonseed and blacksmith’s son living on Dragonstone.

3. Meleys is bonded to Rhaenys Targaryen.

Meleys already had significant screen time in season 1, particularly in episode 9, when Rhaenys escaped King’s Landing on her back. Meleys, also known as “the Red Queen,” is a decently sized dragon. While she isn’t the most battle-hardened, she is known to be one of the fastest dragons alive, giving her a moderate advantage. Meleys is roughly 50, making her one of the biggest and oldest dragons during the Dance.

What Meleys will be doing in season 2:
Seeing as Rhaenys and Corlys Velaryon sided with Rhaenyra in the war, Meleys will play an active role in waging war for the Black faction. Rhaenys is a competent dragonrider and will be motivated by a love for her grandchildren, Baela and Rhaena, and to defend her house. Even if she isn’t entirely devoted to Rhaenyra and Daemon as individuals, Rhaenys will be a valuable asset for their side, as will Meleys.

2. Silverwing is currently riderless.

Silverwing, ridden by Queen Alysanne, by Emile DenisArtwork by Emile Denis
Another riderless dragon, Silverwing, was a she-dragon once ridden by Queen Alysanne Targaryen. Alysanne was the wife of Jaehaerys Targaryen, and her dragon has been without a rider for roughly 30 years leading to the war. Silverwing is an older silver dragon, but she’s considered docile and friendly.

What Silverwing will be doing in season 2:
In season 2, Silverwing will be another dragon available to be claimed. Her rider will be Ulf White, a soldier on Dragonstone and dragonseed at the start of the war. Like the other dragonseeds, Ulf will fight for Rhaenyra atop Silverwing. Silverwing hasn’t been shown in trailers yet, but Ulf’s casting implies she’ll appear.

1. Every Other Dragon Alive During House Of The Dragon

Several other dragons are alive, but whether they’ll appear in the series is unknown.

Sheepstealer: Sheepstealer is a wild dragon infamous among the smallfolk of the Crownlands for self-explanatory reasons. In Fire & Blood, Sheepstealer is one of the riderless dragons that becomes bonded to the dragonseed Nettles, though she hasn’t been cast in House of the Dragon, so Sheepstealer may also be left out.

Tessarion: Bonded to Prince Daeron Targaryen, the younger brother of Aegon II and Aemond, Tessarrion is a she-dragon in Fire & Blood known as “the Blue Queen.” Tessarion likely won’t appear in the series, as Daeron shockingly hasn’t been cast.

Tyraxes: Tyraxes is bonded to Prince Joffrey Velaryon, the youngest son of Rhaenyra Targaryen and Laenor Velaryon. Joffrey has appeared in season 1 and will be in season 2, but the small child and small dragon won’t be ready for combat in the war.

The Cannibal: The Cannibal is another of the wild dragons alive in the era, but as indicated by its name, he’s not the friendliest creature. No dragonseeds dare to claim him, and it doesn’t seem likely that HBO would bother showing him.

Morghul: Morghul is a very young dragon at the start of the war and likely won’t appear in season 2 with any significance. The dragon is bound to Jaehaera Targaryen, the daughter of Aegon II and Helaena.

Shrykos: Like Morghul, Shrykos is a very young dragon bound to Prince Jaehaerys, the son of Aegon II and Helaena. Shrykos and Morghul should appear later in the series during an event known as the Storming of the Dragonpit, but that probably won’t be in season 2.

Morning: Morning is a dragon that’s hatched during the Dance and is bound to Rhaena Targaryen, Daemon’s second daughter with Laena Velaryon. Morning could be hatched and appear sometime in the show, but it won’t be big enough for Rhaena to ride for years.

Grey Ghost: The last wild dragon, Grey Ghost is known for being elusive, and evades the dragonseeds that would attempt to bond with it in Fire & Blood. Therefore, it’s very likely that it will elude appearing in House of the Dragon.

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