Dungeons & Dragons: 10 House Of The Dragon Character Builds

Dungeons & Dragons: 10 House Of The Dragon Character Builds

While there are many dragons in House of the Dragon, characters can spend some time in dungeons too, as they can all be made in Dungeons & Dragons.

While one show about dragons has come to a close for the time being, Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves promises to bring fans back to a fantasy world on March 31, 2023. The Venn diagram of House of the Dragon viewers and Dungeons & Dragons players may not be a perfect circle, but there’s definitely some overlap.

Of course, while D&D doesn’t actually have anything directly to do with House of the Dragon, the fantasy settings have much in common, and many House of the Dragon characters can be replicated in D&D. Anyone who wants to model their next character after someone involved in the Dance of the Dragons can use these D&D class-and-alignment combinations to get there.

Criston Cole

While Criston Cole can be summed up as an honorless and self-righteous brute, that doesn’t mean that he wouldn’t make an amazing Paladin. Combined with the ruthless nature of an orc, an Oathbreaker Paladin would be perfect for a Kingsguard who has broken his vows.

His alignment would best be declared as neutral evil. After all, he is extremely sexist and out for himself alone, and he lashes out to pursue an evil cause, such as usurping the throne. He tends to occasionally approve of law and order, but lacks any personal conviction or code, besides obeying Alicent and destroying Rhaenyra.

Rhaenyra Targaryen

Rhaenyra is not always particularly Lawful, as she tends to default to breaking those laws where it is most convenient. After all, she arranges to fake Laenor’s death, unintentionally torments his mother with that knowledge, and bore three bastard sons. Still, she was far from evil and far from a chaotic force, leaving her as a neutral good character.

Given that Rhaenyra was chosen by the white hart, she would make an excellent Druid. Specifically, she would thrive as a Wildfire Druid, thanks to her connection to her dragon, Syrax. Her noble grace also makes her a great fit for the elf race, as does her long hair and elvish look.

Daemon Targaryen

As brutal a man as there ever has been, Daemon makes a perfect Barbarian. Often prone to flying into rages, like when he choked Rhaenyra, Daemon tends to act before he thinks. His deep connection with his dragon also makes him a perfect candidate to be a dragonborn, especially given his admiration for all things dragon.

While Daemon has shown some growth, he is still fundamentally a wildcard and one who respects nothing but his own advancement. All considered, he would be a chaotic evil character, and he is certain to wreak havoc in any campaign and in future seasons.

Alicent Hightower

Alicent Hightower was a normal girl who believed strongly in the Faith of the Seven, prior to her marriage to Viserys. Her devotion makes her a perfect human Cleric, and her affection for Rhaenyra would likely make her a candidate to be a Love Cleric, especially since all of her actions are based on responding to betrayals of that love.

Alicent believed strongly in following her society’s code, which makes her alignment Lawful. She refused to truly consider placing Aegon on the throne, until she was convinced that Viserys himself ordered it. Her good intentions make her lawful good, even if her actions were mistaken.

Aegon II Targaryen

A lecherous boy without much direction in life, Aegon II would be a perfect Bard, given that Bards can be summed up the same way. He would also make a perfect tiefling, since so many of his actions would be considered sins to the Faith of the Seven, like watching children fight in pits.

It is hard to call Aegon outright evil, despite his actions, since he is clearly a man struggling to gain attention. With his father shunning him and his mother outright insulting him, all he has ever wanted is love. If he gained it by being a good king, he would be good. If not, he would be evil. In that way, he is clearly Chaotic Neutral, as he will do whatever he can to earn himself pleasure.

Otto Hightower

While it is easy to misunderstand him, Otto Hightower was willing to launch six kingdoms into civil war simply to see his grandson sit the Iron Throne. It was a source of pride for Otto, and one that showed that, while not chaotic, he leans toward evil. Otto’s willingness to ignore law and order makes him Neutral, and his willingness to see the realm burn for his own goals makes him evil.

Additionally, Otto was a second son and was born to inherit nothing. Much like Wizards, he worked for everything that he earned, which makes him a perfect fit for the class. Given his constant manipulations, Otto would also make a perfect changeling, as it would give him the chance to study whispers without having to rely on his many spies.

Aemond Targaryen

While Aegon II is Chaotic Neutral, Aemond is a character with that same alignment, despite having very different reasons. After all, while he was willing to torment Lucerys, he never actually meant to kill him. It was chaotic behavior, but there was no evil intent. Instead, he put himself in the wrong place at the wrong time and made himself a villain.

With his catlike reflexes and similarly capricious nature, Aemond would make a perfect tabaxi, and it would fit well with rolling him as a fast-acting Berserker Barbarian, much like his uncle, Daemon. Given that he is prone to falling into devastating rages where he loses his sense, like when he killed Lucerys, it is a perfect class for Aemond.

Lucerys Velaryon

Lucerys was a good lad, but that didn’t mean that he was afraid to crack practical jokes. Always willing to find ways to insult Aemond, even after taking the boy’s eye, he proved to be a Chaotic character, even if he had good intentions. In that light, chaotic good suits him as an alignment.

Given his status as a bastard, being a half-orc would suit Lucerys well, and could easily help others point to him as looking nothing like his supposed father. It would also contribute to the realm’s fears, as D&D characters often assume that orcs are evil creatures.

Larys Strong

One of the most powerful characters declaring for Aegon II is Larys Strong, the heir to Harrenhal and an extraordinary manipulator. His cunning nature and feigned frailty make him a perfect fit as a goblin, and his quick strikes would make him a legendary Assassin Rogue.

In terms of alignment, Larys does nothing without first being directed by his queen. While he is not following the laws of the land, he tends to follow his own moral code, which makes him an interesting character with a strong alignment toward lawful evil.

Helaena Targaryen

The daughter of Alicent and Viserys, Helaena is certainly a strange girl, but she seems to be the most lovable of anyone in House of the Dragon. As dutiful and warm-hearted as anyone could be, she is a quiet and lawful good character, even if she sometimes finds ways to mock her brother.

Given that she appears to have prophetic visions, she would make an excellent Divination Wizard. She would also serve well as an elf, given her other-worldly nature, and the fact that she was born high royalty and rarely seems to leave that circle.

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