“Black Widow” Scarlett Johansson: Hollywood sex symbol but still failed after 2 short marriages

“Black Widow” Scarlett Johansson: Hollywood sex symbol but still failed after 2 short marriages

Always ranked in the top “Hottest beauties on the planet”, Scarlett Johansson has experienced love stories with short, regretful endings.

The muse of many talented filmmakers, the “sex symbol” of Hollywood or the “damsel” of the Marvel cinematic universe are beautiful names people often use when referring to Scarlett Johansson.

Of course, it is no coincidence that the actress born in 1984 is honored as an icon, a representative of Hollywood’s “golden face” women with beauty.

With two bloodlines: her father’s Danish and her mother’s Polish, Scarlett Johansson possesses a beauty that is both innocent and pure, yet seductive and sharp, with loose blonde hair and captivating blue eyes. suck.

Scarlett Johansson has a delicate, classic face, plump lips, shiny blonde hair, clear, provocative eyes and seductive breasts.

She began her acting career on Broadway when she was only 8 years old. During her teenage years, Scarlett participated in many films such as North (1994), Just Cause (1995), If Lucy Fell (1996)… but only until she played Grace MacLean in The Horse Whisperer (1998). ), she truly proved her talent.

At the age of 18, the moment of transition between the innocence and purity of a teenage girl and the maturity and charm of a young woman, Scarlett Johansson stunned the world when she transformed into Charlotte. in Lost in Translation.

Scarlett’s blonde hair, fiery body but extremely fragile face and sexiness stemming from her extremely natural charisma make people passionate and thirsty.

At the age of 24, Scarlet Johansson has fully displayed the ripe charm of a woman who desires to immerse herself in unusual love adventures. Her sexy, fresh and wild nature once made director Woody Allen exclaim: “Scarlett is hot, sharp and extremely sexy”.

The charm of a delicate, classic face, plump lips, shiny blonde hair, clear and provocative eyes and seductive breasts has made the name Scarlett Johansson never out of the rankings. “The sexiest woman on the planet”, “The sexiest beauty in the world”, “The beauty with beautiful lips”, or “The beauty with a fiery bust”…

It’s not even true to say that since the days of Marilyn Monroe, people have admired a beauty as gorgeous, seductive and sweet as Scarlett Johansson.

Scarlett Johansson – Hollywood sex symbol.

However, unlike other sex symbols, who only want to tie themselves to bland romantic movies with no highlight other than beauty, Scarlett Johansson continues to transform and make the world surprised. crazy about the image of a “woman” through the roles of Black Widow, Lucy or Mira Killian in Ghost In The Shell (2017).

Seductive actress and unfinished love stories

Fragile yet seductive and strong, it is not difficult to understand that Scarlett has an extremely rich love life. However, as successful as she is in many romantic roles, Scarlett Johansson’s love life is even more difficult.

In 2006, the actress fell into a whirlwind of love with one of the sexiest actors in the world when they starred in the movie Black Dahlia together.

Scarlett, then 21 years old, officially announced her relationship. She told Allure magazine: “Josh is very sweet, a good guy and a wonderful person. I’m very lucky and feel very happy.”

However, this Hollywood romance only lasted one years, because work plans kept them apart and gradually ended their relationship.

In the spring of 2007, the actress started dating Deadpool – Ryan Reynolds, after he broke off his engagement with famous singer Alanis Morissette. A year later, the couple became engaged and soon got married.

However, the relationship between Scarlett and Ryan broke down after only 3 years of marriage. At that time, Scarlett was a rising star in Hollywood with many successful projects, however, before Ryan Reynolds became famous with Deadpool, he was not a very prominent actor.

Black widow Scarlett Johansson: Hollywood sex symbol and lost trust after 2 broken marriages – Photo 9.
Competition in the acting profession is said to be one of the reasons leading to the broken marriage of Scarlett Johansson and Ryan Reynolds.

Sharing in Cosmopolitian magazine, Scarlett opened up about the cause of her broken marriage, in which people see the shadow of imbalance when the two build a love relationship with the other person who is also an actress. .

“There has to be a real understanding of how two people spend their time together, especially when they’re both at similar positions in their careers. Or if one person is more successful than the other, that’s it.” is also a challenge. This can cause competition,” she said.
Scarlett Johansson considers herself unlucky in love as her love affairs are all quite short-lived.

Three years after her first marriage broke up, Scarlett held a secret wedding with French journalist Romain Dauriac. She thought that married life with someone “outside the industry” would help her find peace. However, just 2 years later, Scarlett Johansson suddenly filed for divorce from Romain Dauriac when the two had a young daughter together.

Sharing about the cause of the breakup, the two said they broke up because of irreconcilable conflicts due to differences in life perspectives.
In addition to two noisy love affairs, Scarlett Johansson has also been involved in many dating rumors with the most attractive gentlemen in Hollywood. These include “bad boy” Sean Penn – ex-husband of singer Madonna, actor Bradley Cooper, “pop prince” Justin Timberlake or “Captain America” Chris Evans…

Having gone through two failed marriages, she is very aware of the difference between falling in love and getting married. She is not afraid to share that she no longer believes in living a monogamous life with someone for life.

“Marriage is a very romantic and beautiful idea. But I don’t think getting married and living as one wife and one husband for life with someone is natural. In fact, it has happened to many people. Reality also proves that it is contrary to nature,” Scarlett Johansson shared.

In fact, Scarlett thinks that in a love relationship, two people often think about weddings and consider marriage as a legal bond that makes them feel safe. However, the constraints and responsibilities in marriage can make both feel suffocated.

“Whether you like it or not, after getting married, your life will forever change. You will have more responsibilities. That can make you feel tired,” the actress said.

Despite experiencing many ups and downs in life, Scarlett’s beauty not only does not fade over the years, but on the contrary, the attraction and passion of a U40 woman is even more intense and intense. She also did not stop looking for love in her life.

In 2017, she publicly dated her boyfriend, 3 years younger than Colin Jost. Love seems to help Scarlett become more youthful and attractive. She sweetly shared about her current man: “He is completely different from the men I have dated.”

Scarlett Johansson and her current boyfriend.

Currently, deciding not to tie herself down to a marriage with responsibilities and worries, Scarlett Johansson enjoys happiness with her young daughter Rose and young love Colin.

She shares the joy of being a single mother: “When you have children, there are times when you have to let go of all expectations and

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