An Essential Episode Guide For Every “Friends” Fan

An Essential Episode Guide For Every “Friends” Fan

The One With the Nap Partners

Season 7, Episode 6

If watching Joey and Ross trying to resist their deepest nap desires doesn’t put a smile on your face, nothing will.

The One With The Baby On The Bus

Season 2, Episode 6

Smelly Cat’s debut, and Chandler and Joey making it very clear they’re not ready for fatherhood will definitely put a smile on your face.

The One With The Ballroom Dancing

Season 4, Episode 4

There’s nothing more heartwarming than seeing two men get together and dance their troubles away. Also, Ross can’t quit the gym, which is fun to watch.

The One Where Ross Moves In

Season 5, Episode 7

Ross moves in with Joey and Chandler after being made homeless by Emily. This episode will remind you how important your friends are.

The One With The Embryos

Season 4, episode 12

The infamous apartment game will have you yelling “transponster” at your screens.

The One Where Ross Is Fine

Season 10, Episode 2

Another Ross classic. The combination of an awkward double date and Ross not handling his margaritas will definitely make you lol.

The One Where No One’s Ready

Season 3, Episode 2

Nothing will make you laugh more than Joey and Chandler arguing about the chair than when Monica proves leaving a voice message for your ex is never a good idea.

The One with Ross’ Tan

Season 10, Episode 3

You might have noticed a pattern here — watching Ross fuck up is fun to watch. Also, fake Brit Amanda is sure to make you giggle.

The One Hundredth (also known as The One With The Triplets)

Season 5, Episode 3

If Phoebe giving up the triplets doesn’t make you emotional, you’re dead inside.

The One After The Superbowl, Part 1

Season 2, Episode 13

Ross and Marcel’s emotional reunion will warm your heart and bring a tear to your eye.

The Last One

Season 10, Episode 17

It’s the end of an era and it’s an emotional rollercoaster — I’m impressed by anyone who can get through this without shedding a tear or two.

The One With The Proposal, Part 2

Season 6, Episode 25

Monica and Chandler’s proposal will pull at all your heart strings. 😍😭

The One With The Football

Season 3, Episode 9

Watching Monica and Ross fight over the Geller Family Cup will make you nostalgic about your own sibling rivalries.

The One Where Chandler Can’t Remember Which Sister

Season 3, Episode 11

Seeing Joey defend his sisters will remind you how protective you are over your siblings.

Season 6, Episode 10

Monica and Ross’ escapades are sure to bring back child memories of making up dance routines with your own brothers and sisters.

The One With The Fake Monica

Season 1, Episode 21

Watching “Monana” step outside her comfort zone with fake Monica will definitely make you want to try new things.

The One Where Eddie Won’t Go

Season 2, Episode 19

Chandler finally kicking Eddie out will inspire you to stand up for yourself, and this episode will also teach you how be your own wind keeper. Empowerment all round.

The One Where Rachel Quits
This is the one where Rachel quits her dead end job, gets The Fear™, and decides she wants to work in the fashion industry. Rachel’s bravery will definitely encourage you to follow your dreams.

The One With Unagi (also known as The One With The Mix Tape)

Season 5, Episode 17

This episode will teach you all about having a total state of awareness that will prepare you for any danger, and make you hungry for sushi. What more could you ask for?

The One Where Underdog Gets Away

Season 1, Episode 9

Nothing will make you excited for your own holiday dramas than Joey being the literal poster boy for STIs and Monica burning all the dinner.

The One Where Ross Got High

Season 6, Episode 9

Watching this episode will make you grateful that Rachel’s beef trifle isn’t on your own Thanksgiving menu.

The One With The Holiday Armadillo

Season 7, Episode 10

If the Holiday Armadillo, Santa and Superman don’t get you excited for the holidays, I don’t know what will.

The One With Ross’ Step Forward (also known as The One With The Creepy Holiday Card)

Season 8, Episode 11

Ross and Mona’s dodgy Christmas card might just inspire you to send out your own one for the festive season.

The One With The Ball

Season 5, Episode 21

Four adults throwing around a small ball, and a cat that looks like raw chicken is pure entertainment.

The One With All The Rugby

Season 4, Episode 15

Ross’ misfortunes are always entertaining. Plus, this is the one where Chandler “moves” to Yemen, so you’ll get your fill of Janice too.

The One Where Everybody Finds Out (also known as The One Where Phoebe and Ross find Out)

Season 5, Episode 14

Watching the messers become the messies is an excellent way to pass the time.


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