Game Of Thrones: 10 Quotes That Prove Tyrion & Jaime Were The Best Siblings

Jaime and Tyrion Lannister were one of the best siblings in Game of Thrones, as proven by brotherly quotes that range from hilarious to emotional.

As seen as recently as in the wildly successful House of the Dragon, some of the most fascinating dynamics in the Game of Thrones world are those between siblings, and there may be no siblings better than Jaime and Tyrion Lannister. They are people treated differently and better at different things, but they love each other and make one helluva duo.

They share so many incredible scenes together, but some of the biggest pieces of evidence of their brilliance as a duo is in quotes they share with one another, which range from hilarious to emotional to quite simply brotherly.

“It’s Only Wine.”
– Tyrion, “The Lion and the Rose” (S4.E2)

In his whole life, Tyrion had to get used to being the outcast, lambasted for being born in a certain way despite it having no impact on how good of a person he was. When Jaime himself lost a hand, Tyrion made sure to try and support his older brother.

After Jaime knocks over a cup of wine with his new hand, Tyrion pours out his cup and says this line. Tyrion suggested training with his left hand, offered him Bronn to train with, and tried comforting him, proving that he truly loved his brother, and both sympathized and related to him. The bond between them is strong in this scene.

“I Thought You Might Say That. But, Since We’re Short On Time… Come On Girls.”
– Jaime, “Winter Is Coming” (S1.E1)

Tyrion’s first scene in Game of Thrones is memorable as he enjoys Ros’s company. His time does not get worse when Jaime breaks in, though, as he brought with him enough women for Tyrion to enjoy in one sitting.

Simply put, Jaime wanted Tyrion’s company and wanted to appease Cersei, so he gave his brother exactly what he knew his brother wanted. The two know each other well and rarely judge the other for what others may look down upon; even though they personally do not understand it, they still act like brothers despite their differences.

“Your Grace, I Know My Brother.”
– Tyrion, “The Last Of The Starks” (S8.E4)

When Jaime Lannister returned to Winterfell to fight for the living, he was met with a trial and many hostile faces. While Brienne ultimately gave the winning vouch for Jaime, Tyrion gave it his best, desperate shot.

Daenerys wanted nothing to do with Tyrion’s pleas – showing how the Lannister’s political ability had seriously decreased in later seasons – but he did try. The desperation on Peter Dinklage’s face really gets across how worried he was for Jaime. The two brothers, no matter what, will always want the other to be safe, and this is one of the best moments to show that.

“With A Girl’s Mouth Around My C**k.”
– Tyrion & Jaime, “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms” (S8.E2)

While walking through Winterfell together, Tyrion begins to say about how he always imagined dying with a belly full of wine and getting pleasured by a woman. Jaime ended up saying the end of the iconic line in tandem with his brother.

This is a pretty great moment of just brotherly banter. It is no emotional declaration or intimate moment, but it is more just two brothers showing their deep understanding and knowledge of one another. On a more cynical note, Tyrion must have used this phrase an unnatural amount for Jaime to intercept the end of it.

“Is That Any Way To Speak About Our Mother?”
– Jaime, “The Children” (S4.E10)

Jaime’s ultimate act showing his love for Tyrion comes at the end of season 4 when he frees Tyrion and helps him escape King’s Landing. Tyrion certainly did not expect it.

When Tyrion hears someone enter his cell, he frustratedly says, “Oh, get on with it, you son of a wh*re,” to which Jaime replies this. This moment showcases how terrific of a sibling duo they are, but that Jaime can do it all with some humor shows how comfortable they are with one another and the love there.

“You’re Really Asking If I’d Kill My Own Brother?”
– Jaime, “Oathkeeper” (S4.E4)

Game of Thrones season 4 is widely regarded as one of the greatest seasons of TV ever, in large part due to Tyrion’s storyline. One highlight of the trial story is his dynamic and near tension with Jaime during that time, especially since it solidified their bond.

Upon his first visit to Tyrion, Jaime asks point-blank if he killed Joffrey when Tyrion replies “you’re really asking if I’d kill your son?” Jaime hits back with this. The two love each other enough to know Jaime would not kill Tyrion, but on top of that, if Tyrion did think that, Jaime would be incredibly hurt, which is a testament to the deep care the two have for one another. Most other Lannisters would probably be open to killing their sibling under the right circumstances, but these are two of the least evil from the antagonistic house.

“Even If You Lose, Imagine The Look On Father’s Face When You Fall.”
– Tyrion, “Mockingbird” (S4.E7)

Nobody was surprised when Tyrion inquired about Jaime being his champion during his trial by combat, nor were they surprised when Jaime was rejected. As sad as that was, Tyrion’s outburst and the subsequent demanding of a trial by combat did lead to this great scene between the brothers.

What makes this such a great reflection of their brotherly relationship is Jaime’s response of “It is tempting” to this half-sarcastic offer from Tyrion. They both have different reasons for not getting on with their father and find common ground that allows them to have typical sibling exchanges like this in far from typical circumstances.

“He Named You For His Champion Because He Knew You Would Ride Day And Night To Come Fight For Him.”
– Bronn, “Oathkeeper” (S4.E4)

Not every quote that best showcases the sibling relationship between the Lannister brothers comes from their mouths. This one from Bronn is also a fantastic look into the lifelong bond between the two.

Tyrion, of course, never advertised that he originally chose Jaime as champion, so the responsibility fell to Bronn. Not only is this great at showing their sibling bond because it led to Jaime visiting Tyrion, but it also shows how much Jaime and Tyrion value one another’s lives as Jaime knew well Bronn is telling the truth – he would ride day and night. This line is also a testament to the friendship of Bronn and Tyrion.

“Jaime. Thank You. For My Life.”
– Tyrion, “The Children” (S4.E10)

Various pairs of siblings share emotional goodbyes in Game of Thrones, but what sets this goodbye between Jaime and Tyrion apart from most others is the story behind it.

Jaime had to wrestle with Tyrion’s innocence versus the wishes of his sister and father and then endure both the formal trial and trial by combat before deciding to save his brother. Tyrion had to endure all that while dealing with the promise of death. His only friends saved him, risking their lives, and Jaime always would, as is the nature of their relationship. Coming in one of Game of Thrones’ best episodes, this thank you from Tyrion was bittersweet and from the heart; it was a beautiful way for the two iconic brothers to part ways for a few years.

“You Were The Only One Who Didn’t Treat Me Like A Monster. You Were All I Had.”
– Tyrion, “The Bells” (S8.E5)

Many fans agree that the end of Jaime’s arc was terrible and undid so much of the phenomenal work that went into making him arguably the show’s most compelling character. He was still a part of a couple of awesome scenes, though, including this incredibly emotional scene with Tyrion, which turned out to be the ultimate goodbye.

This quote not only reaffirms that, deep down, Jaime has a good, if not complicated, heart, but it again proves the two brothers are the best siblings in the show. Tyrion appreciates Jaime with every fiber of his being, whereas Jaime does not really think he did much; he simply loved and protected his brother as he should. This line lets fans appreciate that they have had a tremendous bond as siblings for their whole lives together.

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