Game Of Thrones: 9 Memes That Sum Up Ser Davos Perfectly

Ser Davos Seaworth is a fiercely loyal Game Of Thrones character that can be summed up in a few hilarious memes.

Plenty of theories are swirling about the returning characters who will be seen in HBO Max’s Jon Snow spinoff. While the final season of Game Of Thrones proved to be controversial among fans, a spinoff series could try to fix the issues. The series has many surviving characters who deserve more spotlight and could potentially be seen alongside Jon Snow.

One of those characters is Ser Davos Seaworth. A former smuggler turned Master of Ships, Davos proved his worth and loyalty to those around him. From being the good guy to waiting for Melisandre’s demise, these funny memes sum up the likable character.

The Comfort Character

Davos is an average man with above-average loyalty, easily making him a “comfort character” for viewers. He does what viewers feel and want to see. For all the fans who despise Melisandre, Davos saw right through her. For all the fans who wanted to protect Gendry, Davos protected him.

He is an upstanding character who is fiercely loyal to others despite not getting the same respect in return. His relationship with Shireen is beautiful, especially when her own father hides her away. Davos is a stand-up guy who deserves only good things, including becoming Master of Ships to King Bran.

His History

Despite his poor upbringing, Davos will give his life story to anyone who will listen. He is unashamed of his past and proud of who he has become. He was born in the poorest slum of King’s Landing to a poor crabber and became a sailor only to leave that life behind. Little did he know where it would lead.

His ship was well-known as a smuggler, getting into the city undetected with goods from the Free Cities. Davos has gained skills throughout his life that come in handy. When anyone asks, he’s upfront about his past because he knows he has changed his ways for the better.

The Clock Is Ticking

Between Melisandre controlling Stannis and sacrificing Princess Shireen, she and Davos do not maintain a friendly relationship. Before the Battle of Winterfell, Melisandre arrives in Winterfell once more but assures Davos she will be dead before dawn.

The time could not come fast enough for Davos. He prepares to execute her but watches as Melisandre walks out of Winterfell and turns to dust before the sun rises. He finally gets his wish, and it’s a wonder how he was able to maintain composure and avoid cheers of rejoicing.

Turning On Daenerys

There comes a time when everyone around Daenerys realizes she is taking things too far. Jon Snow and Ser Davos thought the Battle of King’s Landing would end once the bells rang to signal the city’s surrender to Daenerys. Unfortunately, she unleashes Drogon on the town and burns everything to the ground.

Jon and Davos try to calm things down, to no avail. The men certainly didn’t realize the extreme measures Daenerys is willing to take on behalf of her family. They underestimated her madness and immediately regretted being on her side.

Bearer Of Snacks

Davos is protective. This is seen when he protects Jon Snow’s corpse during the mutiny and through his attacks, as seen in four of the best battles of the Game Of Thrones series. However, he also unintentionally brings snacks and an amusing moment is when Davos smuggles Tyrion into King’s Landing and smuggles out Gendry.

Fermented crab is used as the alibi when Davos is caught by the guards, as the son of a poor crabber claims to be transporting the snack as an aphrodisiac for the city’s brothels. He also smuggled onion and other foods to Stannis during Robert’s Rebellion. Davos is keeper of the snacks.

The Voice Of Reason

Davos would make a great advisor to Stannis Baratheon if not for Melisandre. She urges Stannis to sacrifice his nephew, Edric Storm, and when he refuses, she proves the power in king’s blood by using leeches and predicting Joffrey’s death. But this ritual isn’t something Davos stands for.

Being the good guy he is, Davos saves Edric because he knows Stannis will stop at nothing to gain power. Melisandre is the devil on his shoulder but Davos is the angel on the opposing shoulder, trying to talk sense into him, to no avail.

Davos The Survivor

Ser Davos has been through a lot. Aside from Stannis chopping off his fingers, he has survived countless battles and lived to an impressive age. He has been the voice of reason throughout the series, trying his hardest to advise Stannis, Jon Snow, and later, Bran.

He has been close to death many times, including being in the center of battle, yet Davos survived when realistically he should have died and he arguably doesn’t get enough credit for this.

A Lifelong Sailor

Among things that don’t make sense about Ser Davos, one moment stands above the rest. Often forgotten about, he is a reformed smuggler who spent years on his ship going up and down the coastline. However, when it was time for Daenerys to march on King’s Landing, Davos was appointed to attack from land with Jon Snow.

Davos is underutilized and could have easily helped attack from the water. After all, he knew exactly how to smuggle Tyrion back into King’s Landing. The attack on the city could have gone very differently if Davos had been permitted to live up to his “Seaworth” name.

Good Guy Davos

Davos is a good guy who doesn’t hold hate in his heart. Stannis cut off his fingers after smuggling supplies, but Davos didn’t blame him. Tyrion is responsible for his son’s death during the Battle of the Blackwater, but he doesn’t blame him. Princess Shireen is killed, yet he doesn’t lose his cool and start killing everyone.

Daenerys, in comparison, is hot-headed and slaughters thousands of innocent people instead of becoming an adequate leader. After everything Davos experiences, he forgives and does his best to not compromise his principles.

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