Game Of Thrones: 10 Quotes That Prove Arya & Jon Were The Best Siblings

Along with being two fan-favorite Game of Thrones characters, Arya Stark and Jon Snow have heartwarming quotes that prove they’re great siblings.

Though the family hasn’t played a large role in the show yet, fans can expect to meet several ancestors of House Stark in future seasons of House of the Dragon. While it will be exciting to see these new Starks, it is unlikely they will be as popular as the likes of Jon Snow and Arya Stark.

Along with being fan-favorite characters, Jon and Arya shared one of the best relationships in Game of Thrones. The show kept them apart for several seasons but the words they shared with each other and about each other helped to cement them as Game of Thrones’ best siblings.

“I’m Going To Miss You.”
Jon Snow – Season 1, Episode 2

Looking back on the first season, fans might be surprised to find that Jon and Arya only spend a couple of scenes together before going their separate ways. But their final scene helps to establish their bond that lasts throughout the years they are apart.

Jon feels like something of an outsider in the Stark family and gets a particularly chilly goodbye from Catelyn. But his farewell with Arya is filled with love and sincerity as he is honest about missing his little sister.

“You’ll Always Be A Threat To Her.”
Arya Stark – Season 8, Episode 6

Many fans feel Jon got worse as Game of Thrones went on leading to his much-criticized role in the final season. A large part of that is due to his relationship with Daenerys, who he refused to see as the villain she was becoming even as some of his loved ones tried to warn him.

Arya has never been one to mince words and that makes her ideal for delivering this tough wake-up call to Jon. After Daenerys conquers King’s Landing, Arya is still looking out for her brother and insisting he remains a loose end that Daenerys will eventually deal with.

“You Used To Be Taller.”
Arya Stark – Season 8, Episode 1

There have been a number of satisfying reunions on Game of Thrones but seeing Arya and Jon back together at Winterfell warmed the hearts of many fans. And even after not seeing each other for so long, Arya cannot help but start their reunion with a little teasing.

Her picking on Jon for being a shorter hero than expected reminds fans that they are the kind of siblings who have enough love and respect that they can have fun with each other. But it is also a sad reminder that Jon missed seeing his sister grow up.

“I Could Have Used Your Help With Sansa.”
Jon Snow – Season 8, Episode 1


Though they have shared nice moments together, Jon and Sansa just don’t have the same relationship he has with Arya. They rarely see eye-to-eye and that is made very clear when Jon brings Daenerys to Winterfell.

Upon reuniting with Arya, Jon mentions that he could have used her help dealing with Sansa’s unwelcoming attitude. It is a small moment that reminds fans how Jon sees Arya as perhaps the one member of House Stark with whom he feels comfortable.

“You Have To Work At It Every Day.”
Jon Snow – Season 1, Episode 2

When they see each other for the last time, Jon gives Arya a thoughtful gift that changes the path of her life. He gives Arya her first sword which she calls Needle. He also tells her she needs to practice it every day.

Arya looks up to Jon a great deal and the fact that he would give her the gift seems to push her to make him proud. She does train and practice endlessly, and though Jon likely didn’t have this in mind at the time, becomes possibly the greatest sword fighter in Westeros.

“You Still Have It.”
Jon Snow – Season 8, Episode 1

Taking that sword in her hands in season 1 sets Arya on her journey from a little girl to a deadly warrior. And though she put much of her past behind her, Needle is something that has always remained by her side.

As they reunite in season 8, it is a touching moment when he realizes that Arya is still carrying the sword he gave her. It shows that all this time apart and all the things she has gone through, she kept a part of Jon with her.

“How Did You Survive A Knife Through The Heart?”
Arya Stark – Season 8, Episode 1

The question of how Jon Snow came back to life is one of the great mysteries on Game of Thrones. Understandably, it is also something that

Jon himself doesn’t like to talk about with anyone. He seems wary of how people will perceive him if the truth was known.

Of course, this is one of the first things Arya asks Jon when they see each other for the first time. She is as blunt as ever asking how he survived a knife in the heart and he is just as honest in admitting that he didn’t survive. After guarding that secret for so long, to tell Arya without hesitation shows their trust.

“Don’t Forget That.”
Arya Stark – Season 8, Episode 1

As nice as it is to see Jon and Arya reunite, the tension of the situation quickly cuts the pleasantries. Having Daenerys in Winterfell has not pleased Sansa, but Arya stands up for her big sister by insisting she is defending her family.

Jon points out that he is Sansa’s family too and Arya lovingly tells him not to forget that. Along with Arya taking on the more mature role in their relationship, she also is able to ground Jon and remind him what is important.

“Say Another Word About Killing My Brother And I’ll Cut Your Throat.”
Arya Stark – Season 8, Episode 6

Game of Thrones features what some call one of the worst series finales of all time but it does at least feature a badass moment of Arya standing up for her brother. As a council of Westerosi lords debate the aftermath of Jon killing Daenerys, Yara Greyjoy recommends Jon’s execution.

Without showing anger or even raising her voice, Arya delivers this blunt threat to Yara. Arya has shown she is willing to stand up to anyone, but the ease with which she defends her brother is oddly charming.

“Stick ‘Em With The Pointy End.”
Jon Snow – Season 1, Episode 2

Arya had many teachers throughout her path to becoming a warrior, but Jon gives her the first lesson. He treats her as a little sister, poking fun at her with this obvious advice, but it also shows a connection Arya didn’t have with anyone else.

Everyone else feels Arya should follow the typical path of a lady regardless of Arya’s own desires. Jon is the only one who not only listens to what she wants but encourages it. Giving her a sword validates Arya in a way she never experienced before.

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