Game Of Thrones: 10 Tyrion Mannerisms & Traits From The Books Peter Dinklage Nailed

Game Of Thrones: 10 Tyrion Mannerisms & Traits From The Books Peter Dinklage Nailed

Tyrion Lannister is the standout character in George R.R. Martin’s books and Peter Dinklage’s performance brought him to life on Game of Thrones.

Though House of the Dragon has introduced some excellent new characters like Daemon Targaryen and Alicent Hightower, there has yet to be one character that stands out in the way Tyrion Lannister did in Game of Thrones. He instantly became the most popular character on the show largely thanks to Peter Dinklage’s performance.

There are many ways in which Dinklage made the role his own. However, fans of George R.R. Martin’s books will notice that there are elements, from Tyrion’s sharp wit to his inner desire for acceptance, that Dinklage nails in her performance on Game of Thrones.

His Love Of Wine

Though Tyrion knows the value of a good book for the mind, he is also not above indulging in some wine as well. Partially out of a desire to act out, Tyrion is known for his heavy drinking and partying ways. And there are even moments when his dependency on wine is destructive at times.

The show means into this even more with some of Tyrion’s defining quotes revolving around wine. Dinklage clearly had a lot of fun with these moments, hilariously playing drunk in several memorable scenes.

His Love For Shae

Due to a lifetime of being called a monster, Tyrion has very little self-esteem in the books when it comes to women. To his surprise, he forms a relationship with Shae and comes to love her deeply, seeing her as the center of his world which leads to a devastating end.

Dinklage plays the arc of this relationship very effectively, showing Tyrion’s hesitation about becoming too close, giving into his deep love for her over time, and eventually his heartbreak over losing her.

His Sharp Wit

Even within the grimmer world of Martin’s books, the writer still found occasions for comedy. Of course, most of those moments came from Tyrion and his sharp tongue. He was always quick with a comeback or hilarious comment, even in the most intense situations.

Dinklage is an actor with terrific comedic abilities and he steals the show with his humor. He is particularly funny with Tyrion’s willingness to be self-deprecating and showing a goofy side to him without ever abandoning his intelligence.

His View Of Knowledge As Power

Though Tyrion is at a disadvantage in his world, the books show that he recognizes how he can still be powerful. He understands that being smart and sharpening his brain is just as valuable as being a skilled swordsman with a strong blade.

Though he makes many mistakes by the end of the series, Tyrion is certainly one of the smartest characters on Game of Thrones. Dinklage plays the confidence Tyrion has in these intellectual showdowns as if he is playing a game of chess in his head.

His Political Savviness

The best display of Tyrion’s intelligence is in his political strategies. As soon as he is in King’s Landing and facing off with the likes of Littlefinger and Varys, Tyrion finally feels as though he belongs and expresses excitement at having a purpose like this.

There are many fans of Game of Thrones who feel Tyrion is the best choice to rule Westeros. Dinklage showcases Tyrion’s knowledge of this world and its complexities. Tyrion stays one step ahead of enemies like Stannis Baratheon, plays rivals like Cersei, and is not as gullible as Ned Stark.

His Epic Insults

A lot of Tyrion’s funniest moments in the book come from his insults. Though the world looks down on Tyrion and mocks him ruthlessly, he often has a much better comeback in store for these people.

Dinklage seems to have a blast delivering Tyrion’s shadiest burns on Game of Thrones. It is another example of him using his intellect as a weapon against people who think he is less than them. There are few things as satisfying in the show as seeing Tyrion humiliate Joffrey Baratheon with some hilarious jabs.

His Desire For Acceptance

Tyrion’s time in King’s Landing brings out another aspect of his personality. He doesn’t admit it out loud to most people, but Tyrion wants to be given respect by the people and from his family. Leading men into battle during the Battle of Blackwater gives him a taste of that thing he so badly wants.

This is seen in the show as well with Dinklage playing perfectly. The moment he decides to lead the army, Tyrion is filled with fear and hesitation, but Dinklage also plays it as if this is a moment Tyrion has waited for his entire life.

His Pain At Being Disrespected

Tyrion is certainly a tragic character with his desire for respect met with unwarranted hate. Though he attempts to maintain his strong, unbreakable demeanor, the inner monologues in the books so how wounded Tyrion is when he is denied love form the people he risks his life to serve and even from his own family.

Dinklage is responsible for some of the most heartbreaking scenes in the show, portraying the pain in Tyrion. This is especially true of the scenes he shares with Tywin. The devastation he expresses at being disrespected by his own father is hard to watch.

His Connection To Jaime

Tyrion may be mistreated by most of his family, but he does share a strong connection with his brother. Jaime and Tyrion do not have as much time together in the books as they do in the show, but whenever Tyrion thinks about him, he sees Jaime as his one true protector in the world.

Just like in the books, there are moments of tension between Tyrion and Jaime in the show. However, their final scene together shows how important they are to each other. Dinklage’s emotional performance as he tells Jaime that he saved his life cements that relationship.

His Sympathy For Others

One of the things that makes Tyrion such a likable character in the books, despite his faults, is his compassion for others. Even though he is mistreated, he is still concerned and even feels a kinship with other outcasts, feeling sympathy for the likes of Jon Snow and Bran Stark.

This also helps to establish his likability in the show even without those inner thoughts. When Tyrion visits Bran, Dinklage plays him as truly compassionate even if others don’t expect it from him.

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