Jon Snow’s Spinoff Can Answer 10 Lingering Game Of Thrones Questions

Jon Snow’s Spinoff Can Answer 10 Lingering Game Of Thrones Questions

Ever since author George R.R. Martin spilled the existence of a Jon Snow spin-off series, fans have been eager for some Game of Thrones answers.

The possibility of a Jon Snow Game of Thrones spin-off allows many lingering questions from the series to be answered. Game of Thrones season 8 left audiences unsatisfied, and even years later, they are reeling over how the series was wrapped up. This is especially true for Jon Snow’s execution of Daenerys Targaryen and his anticlimactic return to the Night’s Watch. However, if Jon’s ride beyond the Wall isn’t the last that viewers see of him, there is hope that he could get the ending he deserves.

When last audiences saw the central characters of Game of Thrones, they were settling into their new post-Mad Queen lives. Bran Stark the Broken is the new King, and Tyrion Lannister serves as his Hand. Game of Thrones‘ finale also sees Sansa Stark crowned Queen in the North and Arya setting out for adventures. If a Snow spin-off does happen, it will primarily follow Jon and his return beyond the Wall. Still, a series in Westeros and the surrounding world could answer several questions regarding Bran’s rule, the ripple effect of Daenerys’ death, and the finer details of the central characters’ lives.

What Is Bran Like As A Ruler?

Game of Thrones Isaac Hempstead Wright as King Bran

The last person, anyone, expected to be King at the end of Game of Thrones is Brandon Stark, especially since the boy himself declared that he could never be Lord of anything. However, Game of Thrones season 8 puts Bran the Broken on the throne. The consensus is that his wisdom as the Three-Eyed Raven uniquely qualifies him to run a kingdom, and a Game of Thrones spin-off could prove this true.

While Jon may not have much to do with Bran’s time as King in Game of Thrones if he is beyond the Wall, there is always a chance the viewers will see more of what has been going on in Westeros. At the very least, Jon could receive word on how his brother (or cousin) has been doing as ruler. Additionally, this would be a chance to see if the council, made up of odd personalities like Bronn (now Lord of Highgarden) and Tyrion Lannister, will be any good at supporting the King.

Does Arya Ever Come Back?

Arya on a ship in the finale of Game of Thrones

Arya Stark never wanted the life of a Lady, so a happily-ever-after with Gendry Baratheon was out of the question. She sets off to explore the empty corners of the map, hoping to discover adventure. After so long without her family, she would likely have little issue staying away from them forever. However, it’s nice to think she would make her way back north at some point.

The possibility of seeing Game of Thrones‘ Arya again is even higher in a Jon Snow spin-off since she and Jon are the closest siblings. Also, traveling north of the Wall would still be keeping with her desire to explore. She might have seen it as worth the journey if she could visit the magical place of her childhood stories and see her beloved brother (cousin) again.

Why Does The Night’s Watch Still Exist?

The Night's Watch at Castle Black

Jon Snow is sent to the Night’s Watch as punishment for his crimes, as thousands of men have in the history of Westeros. Yet, the purpose of the Night’s Watch is to protect the southern kingdoms from Wildlings and White Walkers. Of course, Jon has already eliminated both these threats, so it’s unclear if the Night’s Watch is even necessary.

Jon is sent to the Night’s Watch after the final battle as a formality, so it’s hard to say if King Bran will ever use that punishment again. Even if he does, the prisoners might find an abandoned castle since Jon took everyone north. Ultimately, it could be that the order is rebranded or disbanded completely, and a Jon Snow spin-off would have to reveal which.

What Happens To Casterly Rock?

Casterly Rock

After Tywin Lannister’s death, Casterly Rock is on shaky ground. Neither of his sons are willing to take it, and the fall of King’s Landing in Game of Thrones season 8 means the fall of Jaime Lannister. With the rest of his family gone, Tyrion might consider returning to Casterly Rock, but he decides to serve as Hand of the King instead.

While there isn’t much left of Tywin’s direct family, the House Lannister and its complicated origin and legacy are not entirely eradicated. The Lordship likely will go to a more distant family member. Or, it could be that King Bran gives the title to someone else entirely as a form of punishment for the Lannister family. However, that may not be wise since it would only make a renewed enemy of any remaining family members. It might not be essential to Jon’s story post-Game of Thrones, but answers would still be welcomed.

Does It Matter That Jon Is A Targaryen?

Jon Snow Targaryen

A significant twist to the plot of Game of Thrones is the revelation that Jon is a legitimate son of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen and, therefore, the rightful heir to the Iron Throne. This sows discord between him and Daenerys and fuels the Queen’s downward spiral. Nevertheless, audiences had expected Jon Snow’s real name Aegon Targaryen to mean more regarding the fate of Westeros.

North of the Wall, Jon’s parentage means very little, if anything at all. So, the plot surrounding the Targaryens seems to close the moment Jon rides out from the Night’s Watch. However, with the prophecies of the A Song of Ice and Fire book series still unanswered, there is always a chance that Jon’s continued story will reveal more about who he is meant to be and whether he ever accepts his Targaryen name.

What Happens To Drogon?

Game of Thrones season 6 - Dany and Drogon

After Jon stabs Daenerys Targaryen through the heart, her body is carried away by Drogon the dragon. During King Bran’s first small council meeting, it is stated that Drogon is last seen flying toward Volantis. Yet, that leaves many possibilities for the dragon, especially considering he has Dany’s body.

There are still Red Priests out there who believe that Daenerys Targaryen is the prince that was promised in Game of Thrones and others who believe it is Jon. If a Jon Snow spin-off becomes a reality, it’s hard to imagine that dragons won’t come into play. So whether Drogon comes back with a resurrected Daenerys or arrives north of the Wall to become a companion of Jon, answers are needed.

What Happened To Meereen After Daenerys’ Death?

Daenerys Meereen

Before Daenerys attacks King’s Landing in Game of Thrones, she liberates several cities on her journey north. Among the most significant is Meereen, which Dany purges of slavery before continuing her mission. She leaves her former lover, Daario Naharis, in charge. However, no news ever comes from the city again.

After the destruction of King’s Landing, it’s unlikely that Daario and his men would be able to keep the peace in Daenerys’ conquered city for long. The slavers had feared Daenerys and her dragons. Without them, there is little stopping them from reclaiming what they believe is theirs. Still, there is the possibility that Daario keeps control and decides he wants revenge for the murder of his Queen.

Is Sam Allowed To Marry Gilly As Maester?

Samwell Tarly at the Citadel

Samwell Tarly is a likable character and one of the few that gets a happy ending. When Bran the Broken becomes King, he names Sam his High Maester. While he is hardly qualified for the position, his skill at digging up information might have been helpful since it seems to assist Bran’s visions.

King Bran also doesn’t seem to mind that Sam has a lover, Gilly. This is forbidden by the Maester order. However, traditional rules are irrelevant under the new regime. Sam knows Jon’s Targaryen secret before he does, and they are very close friends. It makes sense that audiences would get a little more information about how Sam’s new position works and whether he’s permitted to make Gilly his official wife.

What Happened To Nymeria?

Game of Thrones Season 7 Arya Nymeria

As significant as the direwolf is to House Stark, they don’t seem to stick around for long. The Lannisters murder several (whether directly or not), and by the end of Game of Thrones season 8, only Ghost and Nymeria are left. Ghost accompanies Jon beyond the Wall, so he would have to appear in a Snow spin-off. However, Nymeria’s location is still a mystery.

Arya briefly runs into Nymeria on her return north, but her direwolf, whose Nymeria namesake might inspire another spin-off, runs off with her new pack, seemingly uninterested in being reunited with her former companion. Still, with the approach of the Night King, it could have just been that the wolf wanted to flee the north. With the threat gone, Nymeria might return to her home and perhaps reunite with Jon, Ghost, or even Arya (if she is to go north as well).

Does Jon Have More To Do For The Lord Of Light?

Game of Thrones Jon Snow Reborn Alive

People are only brought back to life for a purpose in Game of Thrones, and Jon Snow is no different. The Lord of Light has a plan for the Stark/Targaryen, which is precisely what intrigued audiences about his character. But, by the end of the series, it seems that the reason is to kill Daenerys, which is not dramatically satisfying.

A spin-off series about Jon Snow implies that there is still more significance to his story. This could have something to do with the Game of Thrones Lord of Light religion and the “prince that was promised” prophecy. It could be an entirely new story that leaves the concepts of the previous series in the dust. Only time will tell, but Game of Thrones fans can still hope for some clarity regarding Jon’s destiny, with the involvement of gods or otherwise.

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