THIS IS BRAND NEW INFORMATION Friends fan? Here are 10 things you won’t believe you never noticed about the show

THIS IS BRAND NEW INFORMATION Friends fan? Here are 10 things you won’t believe you never noticed about the show

Not sure you believe that? You’ll be amazed by the amount of mistakes, and jokes, added in to the decade-long show that you’ve never noticed before.

You’ve probably already seen the one about the massive error in Ross and Emily’s wedding, as well as the time Joey (played by Matt LeBlanc) cracked up on set.

Those are the tip of the iceberg though. Here are 10 other things you won’t believe you’ve never noticed about Friends.

1. Gunther tried to sell a potato

 Joey doesn't share food... even if it is an old potato
That’s right, why bother trying to shift delicious muffins or cakes when a humble potato will do?

Joey doesn’t look too pleased about it though.

2. Estelle was the nurse when Carol gave birth

 And actress June Gable, who played Estelle, as a nurse in an earlier episode
You remember Estelle, she’s Joey’s hard talking agent who is always seen smoking cigarettes and bellowing down a phone.

Well eagle-eyed viewers but have realised they’d seen her before.

That’s because actress June Gable was the nurse on hand in hospital when Carol, Ross (David Schwimmer’s) ex-wife, gave birth to their son Ben.

3. Rachel’s wedding invite was spelt wrong

 She was Rachel Green, not Greene
This was the invite she got to Ross and Emily’s wedding… you remember the one, it all fell apart when Ross said the wrong name.

Well, given he was in love with Rachel (Jennifer Aniston) all along you’d think he’d remember how to spell her surname (Green).

4. There’s a giant hole in Joey’s apartment

 How did you never notice that gaping hole?

You could actually be forgiven for not noticing this one straight off the bat.

It pops up in series 10, but apparently it’s something to do with the aspect ratio when you’re watching on a widescreen telly.

Basically it stretches the shot, so the hole probably wasn’t visible when the show first aired.

5. Rachel’s passport doesn’t have a picture of her

 Rachel you might look happy, but that is definitely not your passport
This is shown in the very last episode, when Rachel is about to jet to Paris.

Well it’s a good job she got off the plane, because she wouldn’t have made it very far with that picture would she?

6. The burglars left a cheeky message for Chandler and Joey

 Well that's just rude, there's no need to rub it in
Remember the one where Chandler (Matthew Perry) and Joey were robbed of everything they owned?

Well it seems the burglars weren’t fans of the etch-a-sketch on the wall.

They left it, along with the note: “Thanks for all your stuff!”

7. The reserved sign

 So that's how they always managed to nab the best table
You might have seen this one before, but it’s a good ‘un.

If you’ve ever wondered how the gang always manage to get the prime table in their favourite coffee shop the answer is simple – there’s a reserved sign holding it for them.

8. When Phoebe matched Ross’ couch

 That's a strong look Phoebe
OK so Phoebe (Lisa Kudrow) is known for being the zany one of the group, but this takes things a little far.

In one episode she wore a top which completely matched Ross’ sofa.

9. Monica had a stand in

That’s right, Courteney Cox wasn’t playing Monica in one scene and you probably didn’t even notice.

It was in Central Perk and once you see if you won’t believe you didn’t notice.

10. Some very suspect balloons

 Well it is a stag party after all
During (one of) Ross’ bachelor parties, Joey and Chandler decided to go all out with the decorations.

Or not as the case may be – they actually used blown up condoms.

All of these are before we even go into the extra who CHEWED coffee in the background.

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