Seeen called out El Mijo earlier on Honer Sports for his hatred of Pam and now we are going to set the record straight. First off, I love the show completely, I don’t hate Jenna Fisher (the actress) and I don’t hate Pam because her character isn’t funny or entertaining in the show (she is). I hate Pam because her character is constantly sullen, bratty, catty, judgmental, passive aggressive and hypocritical to everyone at Dunder-Mifflin (this includes her precious Jim too). We can dive deeper too because I know The Flap has been giving me shit on this opinion for years. Settle in because this is a doozey, nobody can see me with my Seinfeld/The Office knowledge/opinion. If you don’t want to take the time to read this, take this much from me, if a girl wants to be the Pam to your Jim, run for the hills. Do not judge me or share your opinion of Pam with me until you have read the entirety of this blog post.

Season 1: Pam has been “engaged” to Roy for years but has no wedding plans in site. She flirts with Jim all the time, even though her fiance works literally one-story below. Whenever Roy comes up stairs, she shrivels back into her awkward shell to say/do nothing, completely alienating Jim, while misleading her future husband. During the basketball game, she watches Roy cheap-shot Jim (and says nothing) then reminds Jim in the office later that she’s gonna have sex with Roy once they get home. She uses Jim to get thru her mundane work-day, then throws him under the buss whenever Roy comes into the situation.

Season 2: Pam starts the season off with a bang by getting into a fight with Roy when the “Dundies” begin. After Roy leaves, Pam gets drunk and kisses Jim after accepting her award for whitest sneakers. She continues to flirt with Jim all season, sending mixed signals constantly. Jim clearly struggles with his affection for Pam, getting ridiculed by other co-workers and having his feelings get put on blast a few times by Michael. After Jim battles his shame and embarrassment on several occasions, the season ends when Jim finally gets the courage to kiss Pam, but Pam rejects Jim and says she is going to marry Roy (lying that she was drunk and has no feelings for Jim). Jim leaves heartbroken for Stamford.


Season 3: Pam decides to end her relationship/wedding plans with Roy (the reason why Stanley has two toasters). She clearly misses Jim on an every day basis, finding that Jim was the only reason why she smiled on an everyday basis. When Jim moves back to Scranton after Stamford is absorbed, Pam is surprised to find out that Karen Filippelli is now Jim’s squeeze. Pam continues to flirt with Jim despite his relationship with Karen and realizes that she never should have let him go. Pam then lets her jealously take over and starts to date Roy again for about 2 days. That blows up when she mistakenly and incorrectly describes to Roy what happened with her and Jim the night they kissed. Roy attacks Jim the next day (Dwight saves Jim by pepper-spraying half the office) and is fired immediately for the discrepancy. Jim realizes he still has feelings for Pam but wants to continue to date Karen because, you know, Pam rejected him. Pam sort-of befriends Karen for one episode but Karen quickly sniffs out that Pam wants Jim. At the end of Season 3, Pam admits her feelings for Jim in front of all the employees at D.M. Jim then has the opportunity to grab Jan Levinson’s job at NY corporate due to his friendship with David Wallace, but decides that he loves Pam and returns to Scranton.

Season 4: Pam is ecstatic when Jim returns to Scranton to be with her. They begin secretly dating but eventually reveal their love to the office. If you look at this season as a whole, Pam actually isn’t that much of a bitch. She genuinely falls for Jim and finally lets herself feel free around the office. She does however, begin to judge/help Angela for her relationship with Dwight, thus thrusting herself back into the drama scene. Jim has an extremely stressful work-year with Ryan Howard breathing down his back for productivity. Pam is the reason Jim doesn’t focus so he is fighting a two-way battle to keep Pam happy and not lose his job. At the end of season 4, Pam is irked that Jim didn’t propose even though Jim finally gave her the confidence, support and flexibility for her to pursue art school. She also reveals that she has always thought Toby was cute, which is enough of a reason on its own to hate her.



Season 5: Pam and Jim begin the difficult task of having a long-distance relationship with Pam being in NY for art school. She quickly goes broke and realizes that NY is expensive (no shit) so Michael Scott hooks her up with a job because Michael Scott is the second best thing behind Jim that has ever happened to Pam (more on that later). Jim struggles being away from Pam, but proposes to her because he is in love and can’t wait anymore. Pam fails an art class that forces her to decide between staying in NY to retake the class, or returning to her fiance in Scranton. She drops out of college and returns to a very happy Jim, and now this is where Pam really gets worse. Michael gives her job back immediately of course, but Pam still doesn’t respect him as a boss or person. Jim buys his parent’s old house and converts the garage into an art studio for Pam. Pam’s parent’s go through a divorce so she begins to question her future with Jim, but Jim is there to console Pam and help her realize that their relationship isn’t the same as her parent’s shitty one. Pam starts to feel like her job as a receptionist isn’t what she wants so she leaves with Michael on an impulse decision to become a salesman for Michael Scott Paper Company. She very quickly regrets her decision and goes behind Michael’s back to get her job at Dunder Mifflin back but gets denied. When MSPC goes broke, Jim silences a suspicious Dwight and helps Michael/Pam create a ruse so that Dunder Mifflin acquires MSPC. Jim knowingly and openly commits insider trading, fraud and perjury to David Wallace/Dunder Mifflin so that Pam and Michael get their jobs back. This is the biggest and possibly most incriminating case where Pam takes a big shit and Jim wipes it up, no questions asked, fully supporting Pam. Even if it meant firing/potential jail time, Jim came through for Pam

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