Full House: 5 Reasons Danny & Vicky Are Perfect Together (& 5 Why They Make No Sense)

Full House: 5 Reasons Danny & Vicky Are Perfect Together (& 5 Why They Make No Sense)

Danny Tanner and Vicky Larson are one of the most beloved Full House couples. But were these coworkers really a perfect match in the sitcom?

The beloved sitcom Full House is definitely best known for the relationships between the many members of the extended Tanner family. But the classic series also had many romantic relationships across its eight-season run, including the long-lasting pairing of Danny Tanner (Bob Saget) and Vicky Larson (Gail Edwards).

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The two quickly progress from morning show cohosts to boyfriend and girlfriend to an engaged couple over the course of three seasons, but sadly, they don’t end up with one another. In many ways, these two were perfect together, but it’s hard to ignore some of the warning signs that they may not have been a perfect match after all.

Perfect Together

Danny And Vicky Had The Same Sense Of Humor

Danny Tanner and Vicky Larson cook in the kitchen in Full House

There’s no denying the fact that Danny Tanner is a total nerd with a love of making bad dad jokes. Many of Danny’s best quotes in Full House are horrible puns that are so corny they’re hilarious.

So it’s only natural that he should find his possible second soulmate in someone with a similar sense of humor. Vicky might not be as big of a nerd as Danny, but they do share find the same things funny, which makes them a great comedic duo.

Danny And Vicky Couldn’t Deny Their Chemistry

Danny Tanner and Vicky Larson kiss by the front door in Full House

When Vicky first arrives in the series, she is serving as Rebecca’s maternity leave replacement on Wake Up, San Francisco. But she also happens to arrive just in time for Danny to be named San Francisco Bachelor of the Month, which puts him in the spotlight more than usual and makes him come off a bit conceited.

The spark between the two of them comes from a place of contention at first, since Vicky is unamused by Danny’s dating streak. But that spark of chemistry is thankfully impossible to ignore as, in true rivals-to-lovers fashion, they quickly realize the feelings developing between them.

Danny And Vicky Made Long Distance Work

Danny Tanner and Vicky Larson kiss at Christmas in Full House

After Rebecca returns from her maternity leave, Vicky is in search of a new job. When she does find one, however, it is in Chicago, which is decidedly not local to San Francisco.

It would have been easy for Full House to break the two characters up at this point, over a year into their relationship. But instead, the series provided a compelling portrayal of a long-distance relationship between two people who really love each other.

Vicky Was Danny’s Only Long-Lasting Love Interest For A Reason

Vicky Larson smiles at Danny Tanner in the series finale of Fuller House

There are many significant others throughout Full House and Fuller House. Early seasons of Full House find Danny struggling to move on after the unexpected loss of his wife Pamela. He does date a few women during this time, but none of these relationships turn into anything lasting

But Vicky is the first significant other that Danny finally sees a future with. They go so far as to get engaged, which is something that would be impossible to imagine for Danny at the beginning of the series. It’s clear that the show intends to convey that these two are meant for each other.

Danny And Vicky Found Each Other Again

Vicky Larson and Danny Tanner reunite in Fuller House

What makes it even clearer that Danny and Vicky are perfect for one another is the fact that, even after decades, they find each other again in Fuller House and quickly pick up right where they left off.

The series may leave the status of their relationship sadly ambiguous, but the connection and affection are still there. In the series finale, Vicky even attends Danny’s daughters’ weddings. Fuller House brought Vicky back for a reason, so it feels safe to assume that these two make it work again after all these years.

Make No Sense

Vicky Really Disliked Danny At First

Vicky Larson looks at Danny Tanner on set in Full House

Even though Vicky and Danny would begin dating soon after her arrival in the series, it’s hard to ignore just how strong her dislike of him was at first.  Although her disdain was for a version of Danny unlike his usual self, thanks to his big head after he was named Bachelor of the Month, it’s also true that first impressions are hard to forget.

They do get to know each other better and Vicky does realize who Danny really is soon enough, but their early interactions are so uncomfortable that it’s surprising it works as well as it does in the end.

Danny And Vicky’s Families Weren’t Compatible

Danny Tanner and Vicky Larson look surprised in the girls bedroom in Full House

There are many complicated relationships in Full House, whether romantic, friendly, or familial. With the introduction of long-term romantic relationships, the series also brings new family members into the fray who do not always get along with each other.

Vicky’s mother, in particular, really clashes with the Tanner family given the future she envisions for them. Vicky herself also has a hard time fitting in with the extended family, especially when she starts getting involved in dinner-related routines.

Danny And Vicky Wanted Different Things

Danny Tanner and Vicky Larson tearfully embrace as they break up in Full House

Danny and Vicky manage to carry on a long-distance relationship over the course of seasons 6 and 7, but it’s increasingly obvious that this can’t be sustained much longer, especially once they become engaged.

Their relationship rapidly reaches its disappointing but inevitable conclusion when Vicky receives a job offer in New York, for a position that has always been her dream job. Even though they want to get married, and even though they love each other still, Vicky can’t give up on her dream and Danny can’t move his family from San Francisco.

Danny And Vicky Didn’t Have Much In Common

Vicky Larson smiles at Danny Tanner in Full House

For the most part, Full House is a series filled with incredibly well-defined and well-developed characters. Main and supporting players alike are all defined in terms of their personalities, their interests, and much more. There are even hidden details about the Full House characters that fans might have missed.

But Vicky, in comparison, receives very little development, and as a result, it’s not exactly clear what she and Danny have in common other than their feelings for each other and their work. It would be hard to sustain a relationship like that long-term.

Danny And Vicky’s Workplace Romance Was A Bad Idea

Vicky Larson and Danny Tanner smiling on a couch in Full House

No matter how common it might be in the world of sitcoms, having two characters who work together get involved in a romantic relationship is usually a bad idea.

Even though Vicky only worked at Wake Up, San Francisco for a short period of time, the mixing of business and pleasure would inevitably lead to many awkward situations both in front of and behind the camera. Danny already is known for misusing work benefits for his own needs (such as taking a vacation for the work writeoff), so this scenario could have gotten uncomfortable rather quickly.

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