Philly’s Own Kate Flannery Reflects on The Office, 10 Years Later

onstage during the 14th annual Screen Actors Guild awards held at the Shrine Auditorium on January 27, 2008 in Los Angeles, California.

Philly’s Own Kate Flannery Reflects on The Office, 10 Years Later


The daughter of a Philadelphia bar owner, Kate Flannery went from flunking auditions for Philly TV shows Al Alberts Showcase and Chief Halftown and pretty much every theater in the city to being part of the workplace comedy juggernaut that was The Office. Now, ten years after the hit sitcom aired its last episode — on May 16, 2013 — Flannery talks about her big break, her fellow castmates, and why she likens herself to an onion.

Kate, welcome back to Philadelphia. I’m so happy to have a chance to sit down with you here at Bob & Barbara’s and have a beer. This bar contains some real history for me, because it’s where I met my wife. And I know you have bars in your life history as well.
I am a bar owner’s daughter. My grandfather had Flannery’s Tavern in Nicetown. My dad ran that bar from the ’50s through the ’90s. And then my brother had T.A. Flannery’s, on 21st Street between Market and Chestnut, until 2011.


I love neighborhood bars and dives like Bob & Barbara’s, and I imagine your family bars were similar.
I love them, too, and yes, they were. These bars were really communities. Support systems, where you could have a laugh and a chat but could also get tough love when you needed it. The real deal.

Did you live in Nicetown
No. I grew up in Mount Airy until I was seven and after that in Ardmore. My dad grew up in Germantown, and my mom grew up in North Philly, near Connie Mack Stadium. I went to Saint Therese’s and Saint Colman’s and then Archbishop Carroll.

Ah, the “better education” of Catholic schools.
Sure. Right. Allegedly. Allegedly.

Why leave Mount Airy for the Main Line?
We’re seven kids, and we just outgrew the house. My mom finally got her dream house in Ardmore.

What was it like being one of seven?
My sister and I — we’re twins — are the youngest. The inmates were running the asylum. And each kid grows out of the house and you realize all the chores they did, and then their chores get passed down when they leave.

That system must not have worked out too well for you and your sister.
Yeah, we were screwed. It was basically like a Communist country. Everybody has to do their work. Otherwise, it doesn’t function.

Are your twin and you very much alike?
We look nothing alike, and she’s a social worker. And I have to be honest with you: She’s actually a lot funnier than me.

Was your family very Catholic?
Oh yeah. My dad went to mass every single day. Now, he’s 99, so he watches it on the internet.

That’s commitment. And I should say that you’re in Philly right now, as you are pretty regularly, to visit your dad, who lives on the Main Line.
Yes, he’s unbelievable. A very happy human being. A great spirit. I want to be him when I get older.

How long have you lived in L.A.?
I’ve been there for 23 years. I went to the University of the Arts and got a BFA in acting. While I was in college here, I worked at Hunan in Ardmore, a place owned by the family of Susanna Foo. Then I worked at 16th Street Bar & Grill, which is now Monk’s. I catered for Frog Commissary, and we did lots of events at the Mütter Museum and the Franklin Institute. I tried to get a job and an internship at the Walnut Street Theatre; I auditioned for every theater in Philadelphia and many in New York. Strangely, no one was interested in what I had to offer. But I’ve come to believe that rejection is protection. Then my aunt, who lived in Chicago, thought Second City would be a good fit for me, so I went and auditioned there and got in.

And just for the sake of the reader who might not know Second City by name …
It was the improv mecca and birthed everybody from Gilda Radner to John Belushi to Dan Aykroyd to Stephen Colbert. In 1991, Lorne Michaels came to Chicago to find women for SNL. I was interviewed and considered, but my friend got the job. And it took me 13 short years to get The Office after that.

Did you do stand-up in the meantime?
I had a comedic musical duo called the Lampshades. We would mash up ’70s and ’80s songs. That was a lot of fun. We hosted shows featuring Patton Oswalt, Sarah Silverman and Marc Maron.

Were you doing the whole starving-artist thing in those days, waiting tables and such?
Oh yeah. Over the years, I lived in Los Angeles and New York and waited tables in Beverly Hills and at this place across from Carnegie Hall. I waited on so many famous people, like Whitney Houston, Robert De Niro, Steve Martin. So I just kept on waiting tables and pursuing my dream. I actually kept my one restaurant job through the first season of The Office, because we had no idea what the future would be.

Am I correct that you didn’t audition for the role of Meredith initially?
I auditioned for Jan, Michael’s boss.

Ah, the one in the topless photos that Michael winds up idiotically sending to the whole company.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. [laughs] They hired somebody else to play Meredith, but that didn’t work out. So they needed to replace her, and I auditioned for the role of this lactose-intolerant, recently divorced woman who had just had a hysterectomy. Meredith wasn’t originally going to be an alcoholic, but the role changed a bit, and she becomes this drunken floozy. I’m not sure how they wrote that in. I probably talked with the writers about my days in my dad’s bar and my time bartending. Who knows? I love Meredith. She’s so loud and proud, completely unashamed and unapologetic. She knows who she is.

She’s just like, fuck it. So Philly.
Yeah. This is me. This is how it is. What you see is what you get. And we were told no makeup. I mean, we had some, but very little. We were representing the unpretty people. I remember my mom seeing an episode and saying, “Can’t they give you more makeup?!” [laughs]

Great actors make everything look so easy. Was The Office an easy job?
It really was fairly easy. I mean, we each had a place to sit. Those desks make all the difference. And I had the most comfortable wardrobe of anybody on the show. But I still had to be there at five in the morning.

The Office lasted nine seasons. Was there any moment where you got bored with it?
Oh, God no. Meredith was such a beautiful character to play. She could get a laugh without even having a line. I might just do something small in the background. I loved the subtlety of it. My mother would always say, “I wish Meredith talked more.” But I feel like when Meredith talked, it was worth the wait. This was a really smart show that treated the audience like they had a brain.


When did you realize you were famous?
One time I was on the Ocean City boardwalk and all these kids started running up to me. It’s fine. I do represent the show sometimes for people, and I really love that.

Is Ocean City your beach?
Oh yeah. Every year. We’d spend half the summer at my grandmother’s house there. I used to work summer jobs on the boardwalk. A t-shirt store where we’d print shirts. It was called — wait for it — Uranus. [laughs] Laura’s Fudge, where I’d pack the boxes.

Do you stay in touch with your Office castmates?
Absolutely. We have a text thread.


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