5 Inestimable Life Lessons From The Very Popular FRIENDS TV Show

5 Inestimable Life Lessons From The Very Popular FRIENDS TV Show

Despite being lighthearted and downright silly at times, the ’90s TV show Friends had a whole lot of wisdom to share — between us trying to figure out Chandler’s official job title, enjoying all those Central Perk hangs, and, of course, viewing Ross and Rachel’s relationship saga. Friends has been one amongst those extra-ordinary TV shows that have sought a majority of audience attention and has been successful in keeping them contended and yet built the hope for more. Actually, there are inestimable life lessons we can learn from the Friends TV show.

Friends was one of the most popular shows of all time.

Featuring six young people living in the heart of New York while they tried to figure out life and love, the show became the flag bearer of sorts for an entire generation and provided the blueprint for several shows that came after it which borrowed heavily from the premise. While being mainly a comedy series, the show was so popular because of the emotional core at its center, and the many heartfelt moments we got to witness over the years.

Friends has made us laugh, and has even reduced us to tears, it’s one of the most iconic shows this generation has ever seen and it’s one we could never tire of watching over and over again.
While sitcoms are generally considered to be light, fluffy shows that don’t require much thought, designed simply to make you laugh, that wasn’t the case with Friends. Sure, it had its funny moments — but it also taught you some great life lessons that you can apply to your life today. It showed characters going through challenging situations and dealing with it — all accompanied by a cheerful laugh track.

Let’s be real in accepting the fact that we all wanted to become like one of the characters that were present in the series.
Friends has been a journey of 10 years where we saw all the 6 characters growing up, influencing our lives somewhere or the other. It has emerged as one of the best shows that taught us many life lessons for leading a happy and joyful life. Whether you were a Rachel, Chandler, or a mixture of several characters, the sitcom had countless authentic moments that anyone could identify with. One episode had you bawling your eyes out while the next gave you an ab workout from all the intense fits of laughter — either way, you never tore your eyes away from that screen.

A sure thing which is so inevitable in Friends is the truth it teaches us about life. So take your popcorns, as you get ready to relive the Friends moments.
Friends is still the most popular TV show, even after 17 years since it last aired on TV. Once we start viewing it, it becomes ingrained in our minds. We begin to form bonds with the main characters. Friends teaches us numerous life lessons. Here are five life lessons Friends teaches us.

Life Lesson #1: Your Past Doesn’t Define You
Life Lesson #2: Don’t Plan Too Much
Life Lesson #3: Let the Heart Lead
Life Lesson #4: Friends Will Be There For You
Life Lesson #5: Follow Your Dreams

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