Stamos didn’t love the Olsen twins or Bob Saget… at first

Stamos didn’t love the Olsen twins or Bob Saget… at first

Stamos previously revealed he tried to get the Olsen twins fired when they were 11 months old. In his book, he goes into detail about the day he told the show’s creator, “It’s either me or them. They’re not going to work out. They’ll ruin this show and my career.” He writes that a new pair of twins were brought in who were “quiet, calm, and homely as hell,” and he quickly asked to bring back the girls — who were waiting backstage.

He ended up loving them and learning that “Mary-Kate is stronger in the emotional scenes, Ashley scores in the comedic ones.” (He also writes that Elizabeth Olsen visited the set and “she quickly becomes my new favorite Olsen.”)

But Bob Saget was jealous of Stamos’ relationship with the Olsens — and Stamos didn’t even think Saget was right for the role since he was a comedian, not an actor. Saget, Stamos says, was also jealous of how close he’d become with Dave Coulier.

“Bob is the humblest egomaniac I’ve ever met, but he undercuts his narcissism by being so damn lovable. A walking contradiction, he makes up for his self-inflicted insecurity by being a self-inflicted aggrandizer,” he writes Stamos. “I know Bob is wickedly talented. I just don’t tell it to his face at this point. But If I want to learn anything about comedy, I need to study Bob… Bob and I tolerate each other and attempt to avoid interfering with each other’s creative processes, though it can be challenging.”

Eventually, Stamos, Saget and Coulier bonded when all three of their sisters got sick around the same time and they realized the importance of family: “Bob, Dave, and I are no longer three guys who work on the same show; we are brothers worried about amazing women slipping away from us,” he writes. “All the fear, fighting for family, and frustration of loss has pummeled down some of our pettiness on the set. We’re seeing not only what is important in our own relationships with each other, but also our relationships with the fans out there who are struggling with issues of life and death.”

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