John Stamos alerted Lori Loughlin to the press conference about the college admissions scandal

John Stamos alerted Lori Loughlin to the press conference about the college admissions scandal

Stamos writes about his relationship with Lori Loughlin, claiming that they once had a date and made out at Haunted Mansion at Disneyland — something she doesn’t remember. At the 1983 Daytime Emmys, Laughlin introduced the category that Stamos was nominated in. When she read for the role of Aunt Becky, Stamos liked her but thought Jesse would go for “someone harder, edgier.” Soon, that went out the window as he felt the connection and they became close friends.

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In 2019, he’d heard rumblings about her involvement in a college admissions scandal and called her to ask if everything was okay.

Stamos writes, “‘Oh that, yeah, I’m not sure,’ she answers so casually as if I just asked her if Nicky and Alex finished all their vegetables. ‘I have seen some emails lately from lawyers to Moss, but I stay out of it.’ Before I can process her response, I notice an odd clicking sound on the phone line. When I asked her about it, she again adopts her laissez-faire tone. ‘Oh, they may be bugging my phone.’ — I hang up as fast as I can. Then, switching on the news, the story breaks big time. I immediately text Lori,‘Are you watching the news?’ ‘No, why?’ An FBI agent is announcing the largest college admissions scandal ever handled by the Department of Justice, involving bribes to prestigious colleges for falsified student. There’s a big press conference happening.’ She asks, ‘What channel?’ I text back in all caps: ‘EVERY CHANNEL!’”

Loughlin’s family moved into Stamos’ neighborhood soon after and their families became closer than ever. He applauded her for taking the blame and owning the fact that she made a mistake.

“No matter how hard she was hit, how desperate everyone was to cancel her and throw her in with the pile of brutal criminals, she stood fast, protecting her daughters from the mud hurled at them day after day after day,” he writes. “When it came time for her to face the consequences, I watched Lori embrace her responsibility, fulfill the legal requirements with her husband, and dust herself off with unwavering determination. What struck me most was her sheer grit and her ability to gather the pieces of her shattered world and rebuild.”

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