A Fan Discovered An Unreleased ‘Friends’ Script Where Ross Goes To Paris With Rachel

A Fan Discovered An Unreleased ‘Friends’ Script Where Ross Goes To Paris With Rachel

We all remember how Friends ended. We’ve seen it a million times over — it gets better and better every single time.

But what if I told you there was an alternate ending…

It’s been 15 years since the very last episode of “Friends” aired on television.

And not a day goes by that I don’t wish the show would have kept going for at least another couple seasons.

Watching the series come to an end is a hurt I will never get over.

But of course, the ending was emotional af.

I’m sure you don’t need a memory refresher on this, but in case you do:

Rachel gets a job offer in Paris, she takes the job — leaving her baby daddy, Ross, behind.

At the last second, Ross was convinced that he needed to chase Rachel down before she got on her flight and declare his love to her.

But he accidentally went to the wrong airport and lost his chance to stop her from getting on the plane in person.

Or so we thought…

Luckily, Phoebe was able to save the day.

She called Rachel’s cell phone and tried to stall her by telling her the plane’s left “phalange” was broken.

The passenger sitting next to Rachel overheard the conversation and began to panic over this fictitious plane malfunction — causing everyone to have to get off the plane, and saving Ross just enough time to make it to the correct airport.

It was epic.

Ross was able to reach Rachel just in time to tell her he loved her.

But she got overwhelmed by Ross’ sudden outpour of feelings and got on the plane anyway.

For a moment we all thought that they might not live happily ever after, after all.

But just as the plane was about to take off, she realized that she loved him back, got off the plane, and went to his apartment.

Effectively canceling her plans to move to Paris.

Okay, so that’s the ending we know and love. But what if I told you that Ross could have gone to Paris with Rachel instead?

Blogger, Jackson Upperco, revealed on That’s Entertainment!, that he found and purchased a script called ‘The One Where Jetlag Wins’ that contained a shocking alternate ending to the final episode of Friends.

The episode was eventually named ‘The One Where Estelle Dies’.

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