Sexy in Playboy magazine, Scarlett Johansson reveals the difference between love and marriage after 2 failed marriages

Sexy in Playboy magazine, Scarlett Johansson reveals the difference between love and marriage after 2 failed marriages

Actress Scarlett Johansson frankly admitted that getting married and living a monogamous life with someone is against nature.

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Becoming a face appearing in the new issue of Playboy magazine, actress Scarlett Johansson did not hesitate to express her thoughts on marriage. Having gone through 2 failed marriages, this beautiful star herself is very aware of the difference between love and marriage. At the same time, she also expressed that she no longer believes in living a monogamous life with someone for life.

Actress Scarlett Johansson no longer believes in marriage and monogamy for life

Scarlett shared: “Marriage is a very romantic and beautiful idea. But I don’t think it’s natural to get married and be monogamous for life with someone. It’s happened to a lot of people. It’s also proven to be unnatural.”

In fact, Johansson thinks that in a relationship, two people often think about marriage and consider marriage as a legal bond that makes them feel secure. “Being married is very different from not being married, and if someone tells you that being married is the same as not being married, they’re lying. Everything changes. I have friends who have been together for 10 years and then they decide to get married. I’ll ask them on the wedding day or right after if there’s a difference. And the answer is always yes. It’s a beautiful responsibility but still a responsibility,” Scarlett said.

Sensual in Playboy magazine, Scarlett Johansson revealed the difference between love and marriage after 2 failed relationships – Photo 2.
The “Black Widow” beauty believes that after marriage, life will change forever and there will be more responsibilities that make people feel tired

The “Black Widow” actress continued: “Whether you like it or not, after marriage, your life will change forever. You will have more responsibilities. That can make you feel tired”.

Although her marriage path was not smooth, Scarlett Johansson is very excited when talking about motherhood: “When you have a child, there are times when you have to let go of all your previous expectations and instincts to become a mother. This is something that not every husband can do. For me, having a child is truly the most magical thing.”

Scarlett Johansson herself has gone through 2 failed marriages

Scarlett Johansson was once married to actor Ryan Reynolds, but the two decided to divorce in 2011 after 3 years of living together. Then she met and dated French journalist Romain Dauriac. The two held a wedding and welcomed their first daughter in 2014. However, at the end of January, the couple announced that they were “going their separate ways”.

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