Black Widow” Scarlett Johansson: Abandoned by actor “Deadpool” right after becoming the sexiest woman on the planet and the unexpected ending

Black Widow” Scarlett Johansson: Abandoned by actor “Deadpool” right after becoming the sexiest woman on the planet and the unexpected ending

As the beauty symbol of Hollywood in the 21st century, Scarlett Johansson has experienced love stories with short, regretful endings. However, her attitude and strength make fans admire her.

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Looking at this series of photos, I see that “Black Widow” Scarlett Johansson is breathtakingly beautiful, but half of it is drowned out by the movie.
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The list of the most successful female stars in the past decade in Hollywood could lack any name except Scarlett Johansson. At the age of 34, the “sex symbol” of the 21st century cinema capital has almost everything in her hands: from fame, fortune to a position that many people do not dare to wish for.

But life doesn’t give everyone everything, the sexiest woman on the planet had to go through two failed marriages. No matter how strong you are, hurt is inevitable. Failure in love broke Scarlett’s heart and sent her into a series of days immersed in despair and loneliness. But with bravery and tenacity soon ingrained in her blood, the “black widow” did not let herself fall for too long. She gradually revived her spirit and returned to her original form, and most importantly, Johansson did not let the breakup lose her belief in sincere love. Just like that, she did not care about the consequences, ready to open her heart, once and again, placing it in the hands of another man.

Black widow Scarlett Johansson: Abandoned by actor Deadpool right after becoming the sexiest woman on the planet and unexpected ending – Photo 1.
Having just become the hottest woman on the planet, she immediately lost love and marital happiness
In 2008, the whole world was excited by the news that Scarlett Johansson and “Deadpool” actor Ryan Reynolds were engaged. Just one year later, two famous stars officially walked down the aisle holding hands. Both of them at that time decided to hide and keep their lives as private as possible. There weren’t many pictures released to prove they were dating. The “Avengers” female star shared: “I always try to keep everything to myself, to have a truly private life.”

It was thought that the talented and beautiful couple would go a long way together. But the busy schedules of Hollywood stars don’t allow them to do that. After getting married, both Scarlett and Ryan continued to bury themselves in work, dedicating all their time to their careers and temporarily neglecting their small family that had not been formed for long. The female star herself admitted: “We don’t have time to date and warm up our love. Our days pass quickly with the same scenario repeating: Go to work, then slowly go home.” Before this person could return, the other person fell asleep because he was too tired.”

Black widow Scarlett Johansson: Abandoned by actor Deadpool right after becoming the sexiest woman on the planet and unexpected ending – Photo 2.
Just like that, the famous couple’s relationship began to show cracks and an indelible distance. Then whatever needed to happen had to happen. In December 2010, Ryan Reynolds proactively filed for divorce in court and made an official announcement to the media: “After meticulous and careful consideration, we have decided to leave. The final decision is divorce. We both came together with the most sincere and pure feelings. So now, Scarlett and I will use love and forgiveness to let go of each other.”

The divorce was announced right when the actress was at the peak of her career, was the number one “woman” in Hollywood, and was honored as the sexiest woman on the planet. Just when ScarJo seemed to have everything in hand, becoming the happiest person in the world, life immediately took away love and family happiness from her.

Although none of them have confirmed the existence of a third person, rumors about Ryan Reynolds cheating on Scarlett Johansson are still rampant in the mass media. Many sources confirm that Ryan Reynolds has entered into an ambiguous relationship with Blake Lively, the beautiful co-star in the movie “Green Lantern” and also the actor’s current wife. The famous star of “Gossip Girls” was accused of having an intimate dinner with Ryan before he and his ex-wife officially “went their separate ways”.

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Scarlett then kept silent. Perhaps she knew that speaking at that time, whether denying or agreeing, would only make things tense and worse. Only keeping quiet is the best way to let the story sink into oblivion, and also to show respect for Ryan Reynolds’ new love. Only later, when asked again about the cause of her failed marriage, did Scarlett straighten up

frankly revealed that the reason behind the rift in love is nothing more than the battle between two huge egos: “There must be a true understanding of how two people spend time together, especially when both of them are are in equal positions in their careers. Or if one person is more successful than the other, this can also cause competition.”

Returning to the story of the time after the divorce, Scarlett Johansson had to struggle and struggle to recover from the breakup: “My soul was broken. This pain is like a sharp arrow rushing in, destroying my heart.” my heart completely”.

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