Watch: ‘Friends’ and the Central Perk Café Gets Expanded Presence in New WB Studio Tour

Watch: ‘Friends’ and the Central Perk Café Gets Expanded Presence in New WB Studio Tour

With the new Warner Bros. Studio Tour Hollywood’s grand reopening this weekend, we were invited to check out the new additions that the studio added as part of a media preview. While the new tour includes several additions, in this article, we are focusing on the Central Perk set from Friends at Stage 48. Previously, this location shared the space with the studio gift shop. However, now that the gift shop has been moved to the arrival area when you first check in for the tour, the entire space is devoted to Friends with plenty of seating and a healthy dose of 90s color.

Unlike other parts of the tour which are designed to keep you moving at a certain pace, the Friends apartment and coffee shop has no time limit, so you can hang out at Central Perk, Monica and Rachel’s apartment, or sit in Joey and Chandler’s reclining chairs. Of course, the added benefit of having fans stay awhile is they will be able to check out the exclusive Friends merchandise which is all around you as you drink your coffee or talk about one of your favorite shows.

While I think the tour would be even better if they actually recreated the sets so fans could feel like they were really drinking at Central Perk, or sitting inside one of the apartments, WB was clearly limited by space. They definitely maxed out the location while still making it so a lot of fans can share the experience

The updated Warner Bros.Studio Tour will be open on weekends, from June 26 through July 11, with the Tour also being open on July 5. From July 15, the Studio Tour will operate 5 days a week and remain closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Tours will depart from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM with departures every 30 minutes. Tickets are available online for $69 for adults (ages 11 and up) and $59 for children ages 5 to 10 at (advanced reservations will be required). Additionally, Southern California residents are eligible for a special rate of $57 on weekdays only, through September 30, 2021.

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