Scarlett Johansson: Hollywood’s number 1 sex symbol

Scarlett Johansson: Hollywood’s number 1 sex symbol

After many successful films, Scarlet Johansson gradually became an attractive beauty symbol of Hollywood.

Although Scarlett Johansson has been involved with cinema since 1994 when she was only 10 years old, it was not until the early 2000s that she attracted attention. Outstanding films that made Scarlett Johansson’s name include: Ghost World (2001), A Love Song for Bobby Long (2004), The Island – Infinite Island. picture (2005), Lucy (2014), Ghost in the Shell (2017), Marriage Story (2019).

In particular, Scarlett Johansson is associated with the brand with films of the Marvel cinematic universe since the 2010s such as: Iron man; The Avengers (Super Hero Team); The Avengers: Age of Ultron (Superhero Team: Age of Ultron); The Avengers: Infinity War (Super Hero Team: Infinity War); The Avengers: Endgame (Superhero Squad: Endgame), … and the upcoming blockbuster for her character: Black Widow.

Scarlett Johansson was married to actor Ryan Reynolds in 2008, but the two went their separate ways in 2011.

With measurements of 91-59-89, Scarlett Johansson ranked 9th in the poll of 100 sexiest women in the world in 2005 by FHM magazine. She ranked 6th in 2006, 3rd in 2007, 2nd in 2008 and 2014 in the list of 100 hottest women in the world voted by Maxim magazine. In addition, Scarlett Johansson was also voted “Hollywood’s Most Natural Beauty” by makeup artists in 2006, “World’s Most Natural Beauty” in a UK poll in 2011 and ranked first. ranked high in many other beauty polls.

Scarlett Johansson often appears in the above movies with a sexy, seductive image, even with scenes showing off her fiery body boldly in front of the camera. This has caused the audience to compare her to a modern-day Marilyn Monroe.

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