70,000 viewers demand ban on lust movie ‘365 Days’

70,000 viewers demand ban on lust movie ‘365 Days’

After singer Duffy’s open letter, a signature campaign demanding a ban on the movie “365 Days” was launched and attracted 70,000 participants.

The movie 365 Days is based on the romantic novel by author Blanka Lipińska. The film follows a woman who is kidnapped and held captive for a year by a mafia boss who falls in love with her. When all attempts to escape failed, the girl began to fall into a sexual relationship with the criminal who harmed her.

The signature campaign on Change.org was initiated by Mikayla Zazon, an inspirational person in the fitness industry. She wrote: “Netflix is clearly on the side of abusers by allowing a movie that glamorizes, romanticizes and condones sexual abuse to be in the top 10 movies to watch globally.” .
As a public figure, as well as a victim of the above crimes, I felt angry and hurt when I learned that the movie appeared on the list of ‘Continue Watching’ suggestions for minors. years”.

“By removing the film from Netflix, we can protect teenage and adult women. And we can prevent boys from witnessing bad acts like rape or sexual violence against women,” Zazon continued.

The signature campaign took place after singer Duffy sent an open letter to Mr. Reed Hastings, CEO of Netflix, expressing her concerns. Having been kidnapped and raped, she called the online movie app “irresponsible” for showing the movie.

“I don’t want to be the one to write you the following words, but responsibility urges me to speak up, because the painful experiences I have had to go through are what you call ‘mature love’ ”, she wrote.

“365 Days poeticizes the brutal realities of sex trafficking, kidnapping and rape,” Duffy continued. This should not be anyone’s means of entertainment, nor should it be portrayed, or advertised, in this light.”

“I’m disappointed that Netflix tolerates such ‘cinema’: a sexualized kidnapping, glamorized sexual violence, and human trafficking treated as ‘glamorous.’ I ask you to correct your mistakes, use Netflix’s resources, and the talents of filmmakers to produce and present works that show the cruel and desperate face of the situation that has been 365 Days turned into entertainment,” the female singer concluded.

A Netflix representative told The Guardian that they are giving users “more options and control over their Netflix movie viewing experience.”

However, the representative shied away from commenting on the criticism aimed at 365 Days and continued: “Users can choose what they want, or what they don’t want, by setting up a user content filter.” large in user profiles, and remove specific titles if they feel too sensitive.”

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