Game Of Thrones: 5 Highs Of Daenerys’ Reign (& 5 Lows)

Daenerys Targaryen’s quest to rule Westeros was the driving force of her character in Game of Thrones, but what were the highs and lows of her reign?

Daenerys Targaryen is undeniably one of the best and most complex female characters in television history. She managed to both be a hero and a villain, and her quest to invade Westeros and take the Iron Throne for herself was one of the main storylines of Game of Thrones from start to finish.

Daenerys was a unique leader and ruler, and like any queen, her reign had many ups and downs. What were the best and worst moments for Daenerys Targaryen as a queen in Essos and Westeros?

High: Dreaming Of Breaking The Wheel

Although she never lived to see her dream become a reality and she ultimately let her desire for power overwhelm her desire to change the world, the very fact that Daenerys envisioned a completely different world for Westeros was incredible.

The moment where she tells Tyrion that she wants to “break the wheel” that House Targaryen built in Westeros was a pretty epic scene for her character, and her idealism is a huge reason why so many chose to follow her.

Low: Losing Viserion And Rhaegal

Daenerys absolutely loved her dragons, and it’s impossible to deny that a huge part of her magic and power seemed to come from these fearsome beasts.

So it should come as no surprise that losing Viserion when she went to rescue everyone beyond the wall and losing Rhaegal to Euron Greyjoy were two absolutely devastating moments in Dany’s reign, and their deaths undoubtedly pushed her further down the dark path of tyranny that she ultimately embraced.

High: Fighting The Army Of The Dead

Although Daenerys’ negotiations with Jon were a bit callous and although the army of the dead would have become a problem for her as long as she wanted to become the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, Daenerys coming to the North and actually fighting against the Night King and White Walkers was epic.

Given that the Night King had Viserion, Winterfell likely would have been completely destroyed without Dany’s dragons to fight them, and while Arya was the main hero of the battle, Daenerys certainly proved her mettle too.

Low: The Loot Train Attack

Daenerys certainly got used to winning at everything while she was in Essos, so the fact that Cersei so handily defeated Dany and her allies understandably upset her.

However, the fact that she burned the Lannister army, burned incredibly valuable food stores, and burned the Tarlys because they didn’t immediately bend the knee to her was a bad look. It was largely unnecessarily cruel, and actually demonstrated that Daenerys might not be a very just or judicious leader.

High: Becoming Mhysa

Daenerys being held up by a crowd of people in Game of Thrones
When it came to policy and politics, Dany was mostly untalented and uninterested in the day-to-day work that went into ruling. However, she was good at making big moves, and many of her biggest moves resulted in thousands of people who had been subjugated for their entire lives finally being freed.

And while Daenerys was ready to go to war to free these people, one of the most inspiring moments was when they freed themselves in Yunkai and called her “mhysa”.

Low: Executing Varys

Daenerys has killed many people with dragon fire before, but there are few instances that were more shocking and appalling than when she killed Lord Varys.

Varys had rightfully discerned that Dany was actually a huge threat to the people of Westeros, but even more than that, she wasn’t actually the rightful Targaryen heir. It would be one thing if Varys was in the wrong, but she essentially murdered him for telling the truth and trying to protect the realm from danger.

High: Resurrecting Dragons

Dragons are essentially the fantasy equivalent of nuclear weapons, and House Targaryen used their dragons to invade and conquer Westeros, a collection of kingdoms that they ruled for a few hundred years before Daenerys’ father Aerys was violently (but justifiably) deposed.

While that firepower could be used for great things or terrible things, it’s undeniable that the moment where Dany walked into fire with her dragon eggs and emerged with living dragons was essentially the moment where she became a queen in her own right.

Low: Her Death

It’s actually a little terrifying that Daenerys managed to hit a lower point in her reign than her literal death, however, for someone who wants to rule, being killed is obviously a literal death knell to their reign.

Jon was obviously completely in the right, as it was clear that Daenerys, her dragon, and her massive army would likely lead to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people in the world, but the fact that Dany couldn’t even see that she was wrong up to the very end was a low point for her too.

High: Freeing The Unsullied In Astapor

Once Daenerys had dragons, it seems like her invasion and conquest of Westeros was a near inevitability. However, the moment where she decided to free the Unsullied in Astapor and essentially make it her mission to end slavery in Slaver’s Bay was the moment where she transformed from a Targaryen queen into a revolutionary.

No matter what happened in the end, it’s impossible to deny that when Dany made this choice she changed the world forever.

Low: Burning King’s Landing

Dany’s obsession with the Iron Throne that her ancestor created was her ultimate downfall, and her darkest moment was when she decided that the entirety of King’s Landing needed to burn in order for her victory to be complete.

There were many indications that Daenerys might be headed down a dark path before the climax of Game of Thrones, but when she destroyed King’s Landing, that was truly the irredeemable point of no return for her reign.

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