365 Days: 10 absurd things about the new Netflix movie

365 Days: 10 absurd things about the new Netflix movie

365 Days is a film adaptation of the novel by Blanka LipiƄska. The film follows the dark romance that develops between Laura Biel and her kidnapper, Massimo Torricelli. The film’s haphazard treatment of serious issues, such as rape, dominated all the conversations surrounding it. Here’s a lighter issue: many fans feel that this movie makes no sense at all.

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Rumors from some who have seen the film are that none of the plot is resolved. Every character makes inexplicable decisions. Much of the dialogue is gibberish created to mimic real conversation. Many felt that time that could have been used to flesh out these aspects of the film was taken up by successive sex scenes, leading to a series of hilarious plot holes . Let’s jump into a few of them.

Massimo’s amazing memory

Massimo’s first sighting of Laura was followed by a bullet in the chest and the death of his father. He saw her not more than a minute away. Five years later, Massimo recognized Laura at the airport.

It was unrealistic for him to miss a random woman after such a long period of time. The trauma he faced immediately after their meeting further made his memories unreliable. If he had the ability to remember everything he saw, one would expect it to appear more than once.

Massimo can teleport

Massimo tries to follow Laura through the empty streets without her even detecting his presence. There were no footsteps so we couldn’t blame her for not knowing. He also has the uncanny ability to predict where she will be at all times, except for the time he lost her for five years.

The day Laura was kidnapped, she suddenly turned right and he was there, waiting. Unless he has an as-yet-unrevealed superpower, he must spend all his time waiting for beautiful girls in dark alleys.

Massimo’s promise was to wait for consent

This promise was broken before Massimo could say a word. He groped her against her wishes when he said it. After the promise was fulfilled, he grabbed her by the throat and slammed her against the wall.

And his own rule-breaking gets worse as the series goes on. When she refused to follow him to Rome, he had his men tie her up inside his private plane. His definition of consent is vague, to say the least. Laura challenges him throughout the film but never calls him out on this blatant hypocrisy.

Massimo told his hostage that he would not force things

He could invite Laura out for a cup of coffee. Or go to the movies. Forcing a lover into a year-long date is definitely the worst choice. His motives would be easier to understand if he had tried and failed to attract her attention. Somehow, the kidnapping was Plan A.The Vampire Diaries: 20 Things That Don’t Make Sense About Stefan and Katherine’s Relationship
According to Massimo, the purpose is to give Laura a chance to love him. If she fails, she is free to leave. Coming from the man who kidnapped and assaulted her before, these must have been unbelievable words.

She could have called for help

Laura orders Massimo to return the phone so she can call her mother. He doesn’t listen to conversations or let people follow him. Laura is free to say whatever she wants. This is probably when she should mention that she was kidnapped abroad.

Instead, Laura calmly said everything was fine. This happened long before she accepted her situation. Immediately after this scene, she again tries to escape Massimo on foot, making her actions even more confusing.

Laura forgave the murderer before she forgave the fraud

The whole kidnapping thing is reason enough to hate Massimo. Watching him shoot his cousin in the head would certainly have heightened concerns. Laura didn’t seem to mind. She accepts living with a murderous roommate quite quickly for a normal woman.

However, proof of infidelity was all she needed to dump her ex. Under normal circumstances? Completely understandable. Thoughtless Martin has never been a great boyfriend. But he seems to have taken a big step forward from being a drug-dealing killer.

Big secret in San Francisco

The film returns to San Francisco after a time jump. Massimo is demanding a refund from the stockbrokers who advised him

They did not warrant the backyard execution that Massimo’s sex-trafficking cousin received, or even a simple firing. In the end, this secret may not sound like a big deal at all.

Going for ice cream in the middle of a war

There is constant talk about all the violence caused by Massimo’s war with other crime families. The war gets him shot and his father killed within the first five minutes of the movie. He shot a bullet through the hand of another powerful gangster. Then his ex-girlfriend added to the drama by threatening to kill his current girlfriend.

Charming Laura excels in finding out who killed her father

Photos taken of Laura through a pair of binoculars show her looking directly at Massimo as his father was killed. Kidnapping Laura leads him to a key witness to the crime that changes his life. He could stand up and ask her a few questions. If he had known the culprit, it would never have been mentioned.

Laura also showed no interest in discussing the event. When he revealed that he had been on the beach that day, she continued to move on to the next topic without embarrassment.

Laura was offered a job somewhere

A company named Preston called to offer Laura a job on her first day back in Poland. There’s no way she would fill out an application from Massimo’s lair. If she had applied and attended interviews before being kidnapped, it would have taken them months to contact her. Laura hasn’t even quit her current job at this point.

That unannounced two-month vacation may have disappointed her former employer, but it will also deter future companies from doing business with her.

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