24 Times Fran Fine Was The Style Icon

1. You may or may not have heard of a TV show from the ’90s called The Nanny, in which a girl from Queens with the most memorable voice becomes the nanny to three children from a well-to-do family.
Naturally hilarity ensues and the widowed father of the children falls for Fran Fine’s charms.

2. BUT, the best thing about the show is Fran’s myriad of truly fabulous outfits.
Absolutely none of which were subtle, natural, and understated.

3. She should really be everyone’s style icon, simply because of how FUN every outfit she wore was.
4. Seriously, the woman never donned an item of clothing that wouldn’t make you beam with joy.
5. And she looked sexy as hell doing it, too.
6. Looking at this, I’m pretty sure she invented the two piece co-ord.
7. And has perfected the off-the-shoulder crop top look.
Seriously, anyone else would look bizarre in this top.
8. She somehow even made “military coup chic” a thing.

9. She had Kylie Jenner’s whole aesthetic down long before Kylie Jenner was even conceived.
10. But she could also do “elegant and refined” as well as she could do “fun and colourful”.
11. Seriously, it’s amazing that she can always go yet another level above in terms of being “dressed up”.
12. She was never afraid to wear a hell of a lot of colour.
13. Or wild textures.
14. Not that she couldn’t pull off all black, too.
15. She was never afraid to channel a vintage vibe.
16. Or to be a bit matchy-matchy.
17. Like, really matchy-matchy.
18. There wasn’t a pattern she didn’t love.
19. And she really took the whole “power suit” to the next level.
20. This is what she wore to her ex’s funeral! Truly a power move.
21. Honestly, she always made a turtleneck and a mini skirt look like the best and coolest combination ever.
22. Even her accessories are always on point.
23. Crop tops have never looked better on anyone than her.

24. And of course, she still had a fun and flamboyant outfit even for her wedding day.
When photos surfaced of “The Nanny” cast’s mini-reunion at Fran Drescher’s house, we were all so happy to see the gang back together. Drescher threw a birthday party in honor of her TV-mom Renée Taylor’s 83rd birthday party and everyone, including Charles Shaughnessy (MR. SHEFFIELD!!!) showed up to celebrate.
Charles Shaughnessy & Fran Drescher together for Renée Taylor’s birthday last weekend at Fran’s house.

Posted by Charles Shaughnessy on Monday, March 21, 2016

Running for six glorious seasons from 1993 to 1999, “The Nanny” brought the Jewish “flashy girl from Flushing” and the rest of her in-your-face and loving family, into our homes. And we grew to love this nasal and curly-haired character’s love affair with her boss, Max Sheffield. Arguably one of the most Jewish shows on network television, it taught America the : “they tried to kill us, we survived, let’s stuff ourselves.”

It’s been 12 years since the Lifetime’s 2004 reunion, “A Nosh to Remember,” but Shaughnessy and Drescher have stayed close over the years, with Shaughnessy supporting Drescher’s Cancer Schmancer Movement and Taylor and Ann Morgan Guilbert, who played Grandma Yetta (hands down the best character on the show) even making a special appearance in Drescher’s now-canceled TV Land show, “Happily Divorced.”
All this “Nanny” talk had us feeling nostalgic, and if you’re feeling that way too, here’s our Fine tribute:
She was working in a bridal shop in Flushing Queens, ´Til her boyfriend kicked her out in one of those crushing scenes.

What was she to do? Where was she to go? She was out on her fanny…

So over the bridge from Flushing to the Sheffield´s door. She was there to sell make-up, but father saw more.

She had style! She had flair! She was there! That´s how she became the Nanny!

Who would have guessed that the girl we´ve described, was just exactly what the doctor prescribed?

Now the father finds her beguiling (watch out C.C.!)

And the kids are actually smiling (such joie de vivre!)

She is the lady in red when everybody else is wearing tan…

The flashy girl from Flushing,

The Nanny named Fran!
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