2 Broke Girls Review: A First Time for Everything

2 Broke Girls Review: A First Time for Everything

2 Broke Girls

This was one of the more likable offering of the season so far for 2 Broke Girls, as the writers really attempted to shape the two leads into three-dimensional, fully-realized characters.

It’s a bit crazy that a sitcom that drops the B-word so often, and makes sexual jokes without any hesitation, can tug at my heartstrings as “And the Rich People Problems” did.

Hate it or love it, the show-runners have given both leads a helluva mouth. And not the dainty, cutesy kind of mouths that only giggle and sing sugary stuff but the kind that curses and makes crass jokes. I mention it because I’ve seen feedback on how “crass” the two girls are. I admit last week’s episode kind of jarred me a bit with the B-word. I think I would have forgiven it, though, if I hadn’t found the ethnic jokes puzzling, unfunny, and borderline offensive.

Tonight was different. Tonight, I found myself laughing and really connecting with the characters.

The Good. Kat Dennings was on fire tonight! Like the kind of jokes this show delivers, you either hate her or love her. I happen to like Dennings’ dry way of delivering a line, her cynical edge, the curve of her lips that straddle the fine line between a smile and smirk at times. Yes, she’s the same here as she has been on most projects, but that’s fine by me. She turned Max into a very relatable character this week, getting her first glimpse of Caroline’s old, privileged existence.

There was a lot of “firsts” overall. First time that Max tasted sushi. First time that Caroline had to eat bad sushi (I cringed as that corner deli sushi neared their mouth… I’ve had my first bad sushi experience, too). First time Max realized the life Caroline had to sacrifice through no fault of her own. First time Max showed respect towards Caroline. And the most important first: first time the girls danced their booty off, complete with tootsie rolls and crumping (think of the gifs!).

Ogling Max

(An important aside: that excellent song playing during their dance bonding was the single “I’m Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend” by Black Kids, which I am currently playing on loop while writing this).

This was also the first time that I thought the show might be heading in the right direction. OH-EM-GEE, I may actually like this long-term!

I also thought that this was Beth Behrs’ strongest showcase so far, probably because she was given a much richer character to play. Yes, it’s kind of a cliche to give the rich girl a woe-is-me story to tug at our heartstrings. But I’ll take that cliche over the Valley Girl ones, which set my teeth on edge so bad in the past that I needed a bite-guard myself. In any case, the revelations tonight gave Caroline a much more likable, respectable characterization. Enough that Max was actually compelled to vocalize her admiration by calling her a “bad ass.” And the respect was well-deserved. Caroline has had a lot to give up. And just think what poor Chestnut had to give up too!

2 Broke Girls TV Review | Common Sense Media

The Bad. Larry, Curly, and Moe. I have no idea what their actual character names are because I haven’t bothered to learn them. I kept hoping they’ll go away, but I might have to tolerate them for a little longer as they show no signs of leaving.

Tonight delivered a lot of laughs for me, many moments that I connected with, and a dance montage. In other words, it was a win. What did you think of the episode? And while you think on it, read some of tonight’s funnier quotes.

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